Federico Juan Sabina Císcar, Mexican mathematician and physicist (Ciudad de Mexico 1945 –

Predicted dynamic and static properties of new composite materials

Discovered a new kind of surface waves on elastic materials

With J. Bravo-Castillero, R. Rodríguez Ramos, J.A. Otero & H. Mechkour obtained an unified general formula for all effective properties of periodic multilaminated magneto-electro-elastic composites (2007) 

With L.D. Perez Fernandez, J. Bravo Castillero & R. Rodríguez Ramos presented different types of constitutive relations of linear thermo-magneto-electro-elasticity (2008)

With R. Rodríguez Ramos, J. Bravo Castillero, R. Guinovart-Díaz et al. found a relation among the antiplane effective constants from the solutions of two antiplane strains and potential local problems (2008) 

With J.M. Vivar Perez, R. Rodríguez Ramos, J. Bravo-Castillero et al. proposed a dispersive asymptotic method for the description of wave propagation in periodic structured composites (2009) 

With R. Rodríguez Ramos, J. Bravo Castillero, R. Guinovart-Díaz et al. obtained a general algorithm for the calculation of variation bounds of dimension d for any type of anisotropic linear elastic composite as a function of the properties of the comparison body (2009)

With R. Rodríguez Ramos, J. Bravo Castillero, R. Guinovart-Díaz et al. established the limiting equations modelling the behaviour of a three-dimensional magneto-electro-elastic composite made of periodically perforated microstructure (2010)

With R. Rodríguez Ramos, J. Bravo Castillero, R. Guinovart-Díaz, R. Brenner et al. gave unified analytical formulae for the effective properties of periodic fibrous composites (2012)

With R. Rodríguez Ramos, J. Bravo Castillero, R. Guinovart-Díaz et al. Semi-analytic method for computing effective properties in elastic composite under imperfect contact (2013)