Felix Gonzalez Bonorino y Haurou, Argentine geologist and petrologist (Buenos Aires 17 August 1918 – 02 October 1998)
From Italian, English and French descent
Systematized metamorphic processes
Sistemática de los procesos metamórficos. Rev. Asoc. Geol. Arg. 1(3):219-30, 1946
Described and characterized mylonitic belts that pass through batholiths
Granitos y migmatitas de la falda occidental de la sierra de Aconquija. Rev. Asoc. Geol. Arg. 6 (3):137-86, 1951
Proposed the mechanical origin of schistosity
The mechanical factor in the formation of schistosity. Proceed. Intern. Geol. Congress 18:303-18, 1960
Proposed that inverse faults should become horizontal in depth
Postulated models of Tertiary compressive tectonics