
Fernando Guilebaldo Isabel Juan Jose María de Jesus Altamirano Carbajal, Mexican physician and naturalist (Aculco, Mexico State 07 July 1848 – Ciudad de Mexico 07 October 1908)

A cousin of botanist Manuel Urbina

Authored over 250 scientific works mainly on physiology and pharmacology of Mexican plants

A botanical collector discovered new plant species described by other botanists

Discovered Ambystoma altamirani, a new axolotl species (1895)

With F. Domínguez showed the paralyzing properties of seeds extracts from Erythrina species (1857) and discovered the curarizing action of Erythrina americana in Gaceta Med. Mex. 12:77-91, (1877)

Introduced the use of following species in economic botany or medicine: candelilla (wax producer), Parthenium argentatum (rubber producer), Lupinus montanus (cardiac tonic), Cladonia vermicularis (antimalarial) and pipitzahoic acid as an alternative to Rhamnus purshiana   

ISOLATED (may not be complete)

Caleandreine from Calliandra grandiflora glycoside

Casimirose from Casimiroa edulis (1898) glycoside

Lennesin from Calea zacatechichi glycoside

Coralloidin (alkaloid) from Erythrina coralloides

Erythroidine (alkaloid) from Erythrina

Plumbagin from Plumbago pulchella (crystalline principle)