
Fernando Cláudio Zawislak, Brazilian physicist (Santa Rosa, Rio Grande do Sul State 05 February 1935 –

From Polish descent 

Authored over 160 papers

The group that leaded gained international recognition for studies on angular correlations and ionic implantation


With F.P. Luce, P.F.P. Fichtner & L.F. Schelp. Abnormal grain growth behavior in nanostructurated Al thin films in SiO2/Si substrates. Proceed. Sympos. Materials Research Soc. 1150:133, 2009

With G. Feldmann & P.F.P. Fichtner. Nucleation and growth of Cu-Al precipitates in He implanted and amrealed aluminium. Nuclear Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. 175-77 B:432-6, 2001

With C.E. Foerster, C.M. Lepienski & F.C. Serbena. Ion irradiation of CaO thin films. Thin Solid Films 340:201-4, 1999

With A. Mucklich, W. Skorupa, L. Amaral et al. Nucleation and growth of platelet bubble structures in the He implanted silicon. Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Research B 136-8:460-4, 1998  

With M. Behar, D. Fink, P.L. Grande, J.A.H. Jornada & J.R. Kaschny. Very large sputtering yields of ion irradiated C60 films. Phys. Lett. A 226(3-4):217-22, 1997

With M. Behar, P.F.p. Fichtner & P.L. Grande. Range in Si and light mono and multi-element targets. Material Science Engineer. R15:1-80, 1995

With P.L. Grande, D. Fink & M. Behar. Range parameters study of medium-heavy ions implanted into light substrates. Nucl. Instrum. Methods B61:282-6, 1991 

With M. Behar, P.L. Grande, l. Amaral, J.R. Kaschny et al. Range and thermal-behaviour studies of Au and Bi implanted into photoresist films. Phys. Rev. B41:6145-53, 1990

With R.B. Guimarães, L. Amaral, R.P. Livi et al. Thermal stability and Bi diffusion in the implanted AZ111 photoresist. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Physics Res. Section B32 (1-4):419-21, 1988   

With D. Fink, M. Muller, U. Stettner et al. Non-regular depth profiles of light ions implanted into organic polymer films. Nucl. Instrum. Methods B2:150-4, 1988

With D. Fink, J.P. Biersack, M. Stadele et al. Range profiles of ions in double-layer structures. Nuclear Instrum. Methods 815:71-4, 1986

With M. Behar, L.G. Brunet, J.A.H. Jornada & R.P. Livi. Temperature dependence of the electric field gradient in the AgIn2 intermetallic ion. Hyperfine Intern. 15:261-4, 1983 

With R. da Silva, R.N. Saxena, J. Schaf & R.P. Livi. Magnetic hyperfine field on Ta in the Co2HfAl and Co2HfGa Heusler alloys. Publ. IPEN 30, 1981

With J.A.H. Jornada. Effects of high pressure on the electric field gradient in sp metals. Phys. R. B20:2617-23, 1979

With R.N. Saxena, A. Barrio Nuevo Jr. & I.D. Goldman. Directional correlation studies of gamma transitions in 69 Ga and 71Ga. Publ. IEA 475, 1978

With J.A.H. Jornada, E.R. Fraga & R.P. Livi. Pressure dependence of the electric field gradient of Cd in Zn and Sn hosts. Hyperf. Inter. 4:589-93, 1978  

With R.N. Saxena & I.J.R. Baumvol. Electric quadrupole interactions in the CdTiOperovskite (1978)

With R.N. Saxena & I.J.R. Baumvol. Temperature dependence of electric field gradients at Cd and Hf sites in cadmium perovskites (1978)

With I.J.R. Baumvol, A. Vasquez & J. Martínez. Temperature dependence of the electric field at Ta nuclei in CaHfO3. Phys. Stat. Solidi 79 (1):65-9, 1977    

With J.A.H. Joprnada, I.J.R. Baumvol, M. Behar et al. The effects of concentration and temperature on the EFG generated by N,N, Pd impurities in a cubic Ag host. Hyperfine Inter. 5:219-31, 1977 

With R.P. Livi, I.J.R. Baumvol, J. Schaf & M. Behar. Temperature dependence of the electric field gradient in cubic Ag metal doped with impurities. Phys. Review Letters38:427-30, 1977

With J.A.M. Jornada & F.P. Livi. Effect of high pressure on the quadrupole interaction of 181Ta in metallic hafnium. Phys. Stat. Solidi 61(2):59-61, 1974