Fernando Luiz Lobo Barbosa Carneiro, Brazilian engineer (Rio de Janeiro 28 January 1913 – Rio de Janeiro 15 November 2001)
Authored 22 works in congresses, 11 papers and 4 books
Elaborated a process for rational dosage of reinforced concrete (INT method)
Dosagem de Concreto (1943)
Developed a method to compute resistance to traction of reinforced concrete by diametric compression test known as Splitting tensile test or Brazilian test in 1943 published in 1947 (irrespective of Japanese Tsuneo Akazawa)
Resistance à la traction des bétons – Une nouvelle method pour la determination de la resistance à la traction des betons. Presented to Reunion International des laboratories d’ Essai (1947)
Proposed adopt the dosage strength based on minimal values correspondent to 2.5% quantile independently of Morgan & Walker (1944)
Os coeficientes de segurança e as tensões admissíveis em peças de concreto simples e de concreto armado. Anais Symp. Estrut. 2:82-126, 1944
Developed a new kind of armor for reinforced concrete
Abacos para o cálculo da flexão composta no estádio III (1959)
Developed the theoretical basis for the design of off shore structures based on reduced models being the first reduced models of hydroelastic structures reported in the open literature
Reduced models for the fixed offshore structure. Offshore Engineering Vol 4. Proc. 4th Int. Symp. on Offshore Engineering, Pentech Press 721-40, 1984
With N. Roitman & R.C. Batista. Reduced scale model for fixed offshore structures. Experimental Mechanics 29(4):372-7, 1989
Codes for offshore structures, design criteria and safety requirements (1977)
Some aspects of the dimensional analysis applied to the theory and experimentation of offshore platforms (1981)
Offshore engineering and Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (1987)
Honorary Member, International Union of Testing and Research Laboratories for Materials and Structures (1980)
Houssay Prize, OAS (1984)