
Frances M. C. Gilchrist, South African veterinary microbiologist (fl.1946-2001)


With W. Van Hoven. First record of ciliated protozoan endocomensals in the gut of the bushpig. S. Afr. J. Wildl. Res. 21(1):28-9, 1991

With R.I. Mackie & S. Heath. An in vivo study of ruminal micro-organisms influencing lactate turnover and its contribution to volatile fatty acid production (1984)

With R.L. Mackie, J.J. Therion & M. Ndhlovu. Processing ruminal digest to release bacteria attached to feed particles. S. Afr. Tydsslzr. Veck. 13:52-4, 1983

With R.L.Mackie. Stepwise adaptation of sheep fed ad libitum to a high concentrate diet and its effect on ruminal pH and lactic acid concentration. S. Afr. J. Anim. Sci. 11:229-36. 1981

With P.A. Henning, Y. Van der Linden, W.E. Mattheyse, W.K. Nauhaus & H.M. Schwartz. Factors affecting digestion of grain-supplemented straw. Ann. Rech. Vet. 10:320-2, 1979

With R.L. Mackie. Changes in lactate-producing and lactate-utilizing bacteria in relation to pH in the rumen of sheep during stepwise adaptation ton a high-concentrate diet. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 38:422-30, 1979

With R.I. Mackie, A.M. Robberts, P.E. Hannah & H. Schwartz. Microbiological and chemical changes in the rumen during the stepwise adaptation of sheep to high concentrate diets (1978)

With H.M. Schwartz. Microbiology in the rumen in relation to the nutrients and physiology of the rumen. S. Afr. J. Anim. Sci. 2:161, 1972

With H.H.E. Schroder. Adaption of the ovine ruminal flora to biuret. J. Agr. Sci. Camb. 72:1, 1969

With E.Potgieter & J.B.N. Voss. The biuretolytic activity of the ruminal flora of sheep fed practical rations containing biuret. J. Agr. Sci. Camb. (1968)

Ovine ketosis. V. Ketone body and blood glucose levels of Merinon ewes during the preclinical, clinical and postclinical stages of pregnancy disease. Onderstepoort J. Vet. Res. 33:161, 1966

The influence of diet on functional groups of rumen bacteria fermenting carbohydrates and lactate (1963)

With A. Kistner. Bacteria of the bovine rumen. I. The composition of the population on the diet of poor teff hay. J. Agr. Sci. 59:77-83, 1962

With S.R. Elsden, B.E. Volcani & D. Lewis. Properties of a fatty acid forming organism isolated from the rumen of sheep. J. Bacteriol. 72:681-9, 1956

Microbiological studies of the corrosion of concrete sewers by sulphuric acid producing bacteria. S. Afr. Ind. Chem.7:214-5, 1953



Rhinozetidae 1988 with Hamilton-Atwell


Arachnodinella 2001 with Hamilton-Atwell

Arachnodinium 1987 with Hamilton-Atwell

Phalodinium 1987 with Hamilton-Atwell

Rhinozeta 1988 with Hamilton-Atwell


Arachnodinella novenum 2001 with Hamilton-Atwell

Blepharoconus dicerotos 1998 with Liebenberg & Van der Merwe

Blepharosphaera ceratotherii 1998 with Liebenberg & Van der Merwe

Charonina dicerotus 1994 with Stenson

Charonina odontophora 1994 with Stenson

Charonina tenuis 1994 with Stenson

Charonina tetragona 1994 with Stenson

Charonina tortuosa 1994 with Stenson

Didesmis synciliata 1998 with Liebenberg & Van der Merwe

Helicozoster africanus 1998 with Stenson

Helicozoster apicalis 1998 with Stenson

Lavierella klipdrifi 1998 with Stenson

Monoposthium bracchium 1987 with Hamilton-Atwell

Monoposthium latum 1987 with Hamilton-Atwell

Monoposthium vulgare 1987 with Hamilton-Atwell

Phalodinium digitale 1987 with Hamilton-Atwell

Rhinozeta addoensis 1988 with Hamilton-Atwell

Rhinozeta caecalis 1988 with Hamilton-Atwell

Rhinozeta cristata 1988 with Hamilton-Atwell

Rhinozeta multiplata 1988 with Hamilton-Atwell

Rhinozeta pedale 1988 with Hamilton-Atwell

Rhinozeta rhinozeta 1988 with Hamilton-Atwell

Rhinozeta triciliata 1988 with Hamilton-Atwell

Rhinozeta unilaminata 1988 with Hamilton-Atwell

Triplumaria corrugata 1998 with Stenson

Vanhovenia multisuctores 1998 with Stenson


Digilchristia Ito, Van Hoven Miyazaki & Imai 2006

Gilchristia Ito, Van Hoven, Miyazaki & Imai 2006