
Francisco Alberto Saez Sanchez, Uruguayan cytogeneticist (Montevideo 10 March 1898 – Montevideo 27 April 1976)

Authored over 200 works (126 scientific works)

Gained international recognition for his researches on orthopteran cytogenetics and its taxonomic implications

Investigaciones sobre los cromosomas de algunos ortopteros de la America del Sur. I. Numero y organización de lós complejos em cuatro gêneros de acridios. Rev. Museo La Plata 32:317-61, 1930

Variación numérica en correlación con la existência de cromosomas multiples en Aleuas vitticolis sp. (Orthoptera, Acrididae). Rev. Museo La Plata 32:317-61, 1930

Estructura de los cromosomas en dos especies del genero Aleuas. Actas Congr. Nac. Med. Rosario (1935)

Oserved the genetic mutation by centric fusion in Orthoptera

Found that amphibians don’t display morphologically invidualized sex chromosomes (1935)

With P. Rojas & E. De Robertis. Untersuchungen uber die Geschlechtzellen der Amphibien (Anuren). Der Meiotische Prozess bei Bufo arenarum. Zeit. Zellforsch. Mikro Anat. 24:727-77, 1936

Studied the karyotypes of Didelphis paraguayensis (1931) and Lutreolina crassicauda (1938)

Observed that there is not sexual chromatin in many species of insects and birds

Authored the first work in which describes that gravity induced chromosome changes

Alteraciones experimentales inducidas por la acción de la gravedad en las células somáticas de Lathyrus odoratus (Leguminosae). An. Soc. Cient. Argentina 132:139-50, 1941

Demonstrated that differentiation of euchromatin and heterochromatin along meiosis and concluded that they are distinct in their intramolecular organization

Differentiation of meiotic meiotic heterochromatin and euchromatin by microspectrophotometric techniques. Anat. Rec. 113:65, 1952

Citofotometria de la heterocromatina y cromatina. Biologica 22:31-6, 1956

Described the neoX-neoY system in Orthoptera (1956)

With A. Díaz. Sistema sexual neo-X neo-Y em Xyleus laevipes (Orthoptera: Romaleinae). Arch. Soc. Biol. Montevideo 23:13-27, 1956

An extreme karyotype in an orthopteran insect. Am. Nat. 91:259-64, 1957

Demonstrated the clastogenic action of some substances from animal origin

With M. E. Drets. The action of gonyleptidine on the mitotic and meiotic chromosomes and on the interphase nucleus. Portugaliae Acta Biol. 5:287-302, 1958

First to describe the polyploidy in Amphibia and meiotic multivalent association of the chromosomes (1959)

With N. Brum-Zorrilla. Citogenetica de anfibios anuros de America del Sur. Los cromosomas de Odontophrynus americanus y Ceratophrys ornata. An. Fac. Med. Montevideo 44:414-23, 1959

With N. Brum-Zorrilla analysed the karyotype of over 80 anuran species from South America (1959-73)

Demonstrated that Black sorghum is an interspecific hybrid

With O. Nuñez. La citologia de Sorghum alnum (Parodi), una nueva especie con 40 cromosomas. I. Los cromosomas somaticos. Rev. Arg. Agron. 11:152-7, 1943

Established biochemical and genetical correlations about heterochromatinization gradient of sexual chromosomes (1963-8)

Described the karyotype of capybara, the biggest rodent in the world

With M. E. Drets & N. Brum-Zorrilla. Karyotype of the “carpincho” (Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris uruguayensis (Rodentia, Hydrochaeridae). Experientia 27(5):584-5, 1971

With M.E. Drets & N. Brum-Zorrilla described the karyotype of Southern long-nosed armadillo (Dasypus hybridus) in 1964

Described a new mechanism of formation of sex-bivalent chromosome Xyp

With E. Corbella, F. Panzera & G.A. Folle. C-banding and non-homologous associations. II. The “parachute” Xyp sex bivalent and the behavior of heterochromatic segment in Epilachna paenulata. Chromosoma 88:249-55, 1983

With V. Nowinski e E. De Robertis authored  Citologia General (General Cytology) in 1946 translated into many languages; later named Cell Biology


Le carmin acétique ferrique dans l’etude des chromosomes des animaux. Arch. Soc. Biol. Montevideo 1:258-61, 1929 (iron-aceto-carmin method)

Un sencillo dispositivo para la inclusión en parafina que elimina ventajosamente el empleo de la estufa termorreguladora. Physis 11:82-5, 1931

Introduced a method for studying human chromosomes obtained from bone marrow puncture

With E. Varela. Un nuevo metodo para el estudio de los cromosomas somaticos del hombre. Rev. Soc. Arg. Biol. 10:421-2, 1934

Una tecnica para el estudio de los cromossomas somáticos largos en los vegetales. Ciencia y Investigación 6:281-2, 1950

Perfected a many of staining cells procedures

With M. Drets developed methodology employed for verifying if new volatile synthetic drugs are able to induce chromosomal changes

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