
Guillermo Berraz Gebhardt, Argentine chemist (Esperanza, Santa Fe Province 28 November 1899 – 10 April 1985)

From Swiss ancestry

Described a procedure for the separation of inorganic ions by the action of an electric current along a filter paper and suggested the term electrocromatography independently of Belgian H. Lecoq

Electrocapillary analysis. Ann. Asoc. Quim. Argentina 31:96-7, 1943 & Anal. Inst. Invest. Cient. Technol. Univ. Nac. Litoral 12-3:67-9, 1943


Viscosímetro rotativo electromagnetico (Rotary electromagnetic viscosimeter). Ann. Inst. Investig. Cient. Tecnol. 2:79-84, 1931 

With E. Virasoro developed a new photo-electric pyrometer

With Enrique Virasoro. Dispositivo para obtención de capas delgadas de selenio gris por sublimación en el vacio. Anales Soc. Cien. Arg (1941)

Estudio experimental de un vacuometro termoelétrico. Anales Soc. Cien. Arg (1942) 

With E. Virasoro. Thallous sulfide photocells. Design and Characteristics (1963)

A wire welding method