
Guillermo Delgado Palacios, Venezuelan pharmacist (Caracas 1866 – Caracas 18 April 1931)

Proposed a new extract and derivatives of chaulmoogra oil for leprosy

Terapia etil-chaulmoogrica de la lepra. Rev. Diplom. Colombia 34 (1932)

Relation of pulmonary infections to the calcium metabolism. Suggestions for a new method of treatment. Med. Rec. 99:475-8, 1921

Explained the mechanism and acting of intestinal bacterial flora and described fecal carcoma

Chimie Pathologie Tropicale dans la Région Atlantique (1914)

Developed a method for detecting water in milk by melting point

Proposed the bioracemic theory for explaining the origin of life (1905)


Contribución al estudio del café en Venezuela (1895)

Bioquimica de la digestión y la asimilación (1903)

Estrutura molecular y efectos fisiológicos (1904)

Reactions urologiques empiriques (1907)

Mecanismo biológico de la hemoglobinúria (1907)

Asimilación del hierro y clorosia (1909)

Extraphysiological or putrefactive urea (1915)

The retrograde circulation of calcium ion on the human body