
Horacio Jaime Damianovich Cuyas, Argentine chemist (Buenos Aires 11 January 1883 – Buenos Aires 26 November 1959)

From Serbian, Greek and Spanish descent 


Performed important studies on chemistry of noble gases being invited by Societe Chimique de France to expose his researches in 1937

One of the first in the world to obtain derivatives of noble gases

Studied in detail the adsorption of helium on metal surfaces (1920-40)

Made significant contribution to the understanding of helides

Obtained the first stable compounds of helium (1937)

Conceived a metabolimeter

Metabolimetre à circuit ouvert pour usage clinique. Compt. Rend. Hebd. Soc. Biol. 88, 1923

Developed Damianovich-Catan method

With M.A. Catan. Las vitaminas en el metabolismo de la levedura. Anales Inst. Modelo Clin. Med. 5:98, 1920  

With M. Guitarte. Procedimiento mecânico para la resolución de las ecuaciones y representación gráfica de las funciones (1908)


With L. Guglialmelli. Contribución al studio de los albuminoides. Rev. Gen. Mat. Color. 163, 1909

Studie uber die Schiffsche reaction und den dabei entstehenden Farbstoff. Rev. Mat. Color. 14:39-46,

With L. Guglialmelli. Action des  matieres colorants organiques artificielles sur l’hidrolyse diastasique des albuminoides. Rev. Gen. Mat. Color. 18:269, 19??

Aplicaciones experimentales a la biologia de las propriedades de las soluciones coloidales. Na. Mus. Nac. Buenos Aires 13(3):, 1910

The chemistry of helium and analogous elements. III. Bases for the establishment of a chemistry of the inert gases. Anales Asoc. Quim. Arg.

Ultraviolet absorption spectra of extracts containing vitamins. Anales Asoc. Quim. Arg. 10:209-14, 1912

Sur quelques problems de cinétique chimique. Accélération, induction et vitesse dans Le transformations isothermiques. Anales Soc. Quim. Arg. 1:289, 1914

The inertia and the chemical activity of the rare gases. II. Obtaining stable compounds by the action of helium on platinum, activated by cathodic evaporation.

A report of researches on vitamine B states accelerates the action of diastatic processes, internal and external secretions, and the synthesis of nucleins. Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. 85:591-2, 1921

With A.T. Williams. Spectrophotométrie ultraviolette., etc. (acides nucléiques et derives). Anales Soc. Cient. Arg. 98:241, 1924

With A.T. Williams. Ultra-violet spectrophotometry as a method of examining the mechanism of certain chemical reactions and as a method of qualitative and quantitative determination. Anales Soc. Cient. Arg. 98, 1924

With J. Pirosky. Verwendung der Mikrophotographie mit Ultraviolettem licht um veranderungen durch die Reagenzien in der Histologie aufzudecken. An. Inst. Modelo Clin. Med. 10(1):147-61, 1927

La loi de production de l’hélium par le radium. Résultats obtenus jusqu’a present et nouvelles experiences. Anales Soc. Cient. Arg. 124:229-34, 1937

With P. Urondo. Helio y radioactividad en los minerals de uranio. Anales Soc. Cient. Arg. 124:240-7, 1937

Recherches sur l’inertie et l’activité chimique des gaz rares. I. Observations sur La théorie de lab nulivalence. Le probléme general de l’activation chimique dês gaz rares. Bulletin Soc. Chim. France 5:1085-92, 1938.  

The chemistry of helium and helinoids. Combination of helium with uranium by chemical-cathodic activation and thermal decomposition of the complex formed. Anales Asoc. Quim. Arg. 27:64-73, 1939