
Huaishu Xu, Chinese marine microbiologist (Hebei Province 07 July 1936 – Qingdao 14 June 2001)

Found and reported a new form of special survival of bacteria viable but nonculturable stable

With N. Roberts, F.L. Singleton, R.W. Atwell, D.J. Grimes & R.R, Colwell. Survival and viability of nonculturable Escherichia coli and Vibrio cholerae in the estuarine and marine environment. Microb. Ecology 8:313-23, 1982

Developed a method

With N.C. Roberts, L.B. Adams, P.A. West, R.J. Seibeling, A. Huq, M.I. Huq, R. Rahman & R.R. Colwell. An indirect fluorescent antibody staining procedure for detection of Vibrio cholerae serovar OI cells in aquatic environmental samples. J. Microb. Methods 2:221-31, 1984


With X.H. Wan, Y. Li, M.R. Zhang, Y. Jing, H.S. Pei, W.S. Ji & P. Xu. A pathogen HL-1 isolated from Eriocheir sinensis larvae with filamentous bacterial disease. J. Fish Sciences China 10(5):392-7, 2003

With P.S. Sudheesh & K. Jie. Random amplified polymorphic DNA-PCR typing of Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio alginolyticus isolated from cultured shrimps. Aquaculture 207 (1-2):11-7, 2002 

With Z.J. Du, Y. Li, D. Yu, X.H. Wang, J.X. Chen, P.A.W. Robertson & B. Austin. Heterotrophic bacterial flora in aquaculture area around Xuejiadao. J. Ocean Univ. Qingdao 1(2):157-60, 2002

With Z.J. Du, Y. Li, D. Yu, X.H. Wang, J.X. Chen, P.A.W. Robertson & B. Austin. Heterotrophic bacterial floras in industrial area and unpolluted marine environments around Qingdao. J. Ocean Univ. Qingdao 1(1):59-62, 2002

With P.S. Sudheesh. Pathogenicity of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in tiger prawn Penaeus monodon Fabricius: possible role of extracellular proteases. Aquaculture 196:37-46, 2001 

With P. Liu. RAPD analysis of genetic diversity in two Huang-Bo Sea stock families of Penaeus chinensis. Mar. Fish Res. 21:13-21, 2000

With J. Li, J. Yie, R.W. Foo, J.M.L. Ling & N.Y.S. Woo. Antibiotic resistance and plasmid profiles of Vibrio isolates from cultured silver sea bream, Sparus barba. Mar. Poll. Bull. 39(1-12):245-9, 1999   

With J. Vandenberghe, Y. Li, L. Verdonck, J. Li, P. Sorgeloos & J. Swings. Vibrios associated with Penaeus chinensis (Crustacea; Decapoda) larvae in Chinese shrimp hatcheries. Aquaculture 169 (1-2):121-32, 1998

With X.H. Zhang, S. Liao, Y. Li & W.S. Ji. Studies on the pathogenic bacteria (Vibrio natriegens) of Argopecten irradians Lamarck. J. Ocean Univ. Qingdao 28(3):426-32, 1998

With J. Li. Isolation and biological characteristics of Vibrio harveyi affecting hatchery-reared Penaeus chinensis larvae. Oceanol. Limnol. Sin. 29(4):353-61, 1998

With X.H. Zhang & B. Xu. Study on diagnosis of fibrosis in Penaeus chinensis by indirect fluorescent antibody staining procedure. Oceanol. Limnol. Sin. 28(6):604-10, 1997

With X.H. Zhang, P. Robertson & B. Austin. Comparison of outer membrane protein profiles of Vibrio sp. (1997)

With B. Xu, Q.Y. Chen & J. Shi. Growth conditions for Fusarium oxysporum. Trans. Oceanol. Limnol. (1995)

With B. Xu, W.S.Ji & J.Shi. Pathogens and pathogenicity to Penaeus orientalis Kishinouye. Acta Oceanol. Sin. 13(2):297-304, 1994

With B. Xu, W.S. Ji & J. Shie. Study on the pathogen and its pathogenesis of Penaeus chinensis. Actra Oceanol. Sin. 15(1):98-106, 1993 

With B. Xu, M.G. Ding & J.H. Mao. The food value of Rhodopseudomonas spheroides for Brachionus plicatilis in Chinese. Trans. Oceanol. Limnol. (1992) 

With J.J. Byrd & R.R. Colwell. Viable but nonculturable bacteria in drinking water. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 57:875-8, 1991

With B. Xu, W.S. Ji & R.R. Colwell. Studies on the attachment of marine bacteria to biotic and abiotic surfaces. J. Ocean Univ. Qingdao 21(2):61-8, 1991

With B. Xu & W.S.Ji. Component of bacteria and their effects on settlement substratum of larvae and scallop. J. Fish China 15(2):117-23, 1991

With F.L. Singleton, D.J. Grimes & R.R. Colwell. Microbiological studies of ocean dumping. Wastes in the Ocean 5:187-208, 1985

With P.M. Johnson & J.Mc N. Sieburth. The utilization of chroocococcoid cyanobacteria by marine zooplancters but not by calanoid copepods. Ann. Inst. Oceanogr. 58 Suppl. 297-308, 1982


Huaishuia Wang, Zhang, Yan, Qi, Yu & Zhang 2012 (Bacteria)