Hugo Hernando Aréchiga Urtuzuastegui, Mexican neurophysiologist and chronobiologist (Culiacán, Sinaloa State 11 March 1940 – Smirna, Turkey 15 September 2003)
Authored 126 papers and 47 book chapters
Developed methods for continuous recording of activity of single neurons and analyzing cyclical variations in many experimental conditions (in Cambarellus sp.)
Discovered changes in retinal sensitivity associated to photoperiod, anatomical correlation between visual entities and its projection in optical nerve and the importance of retinal accessory pigments as regulation mechanism of light entry in retina
With A. Martínez Palomo & A. Huberman discovered neurodepressing hormone that regulates the excitability of nervous system in Crustacea (1977)
With E. Frixione discovered the position of accessory pigments is ruled by a hormone (1979) and with J. Cerbón established the action mechanism of this hormone (1986)