
Ítalo Rodrigues de Araújo Sherlock, Brazilian medical entomologist and parasitologist (Sobral, Ceará State 05 April 1936 – 19 March 2009) 

Authored 166 papers and 10 book chapters

First showed photographically the Phlebotominae infection by Leishmania chagasi

Developed a method for Phlebotominae capture

With S.B. Pessoa. Métodos práticos para a captura de flebótomos. Rev. Bras. Biol. 24:331-40, 1964

With H. Bermudez, J.P. Dedet, A. L. Falcão, D. Feliciangeli, E.F. Rangel, C. Ferro de Carrasquilla, E.A.B. Galato, E.L. Gomez, E. Perez, A. Morales Alarcón, M. Torrez, R. Vignes & M. Wolff. Proposition of a standard description for Phlebotominae sand flies Parasitologia 33(1):127-35, 1991



Brumptomyia bragai 1961 with Mangabeira Filho

Brumptomyia figueiredoi 1961 with Mangabeira Filho

Brumptomyia mesai 1962

Brumptomyia virgens 1961 with Mangabeira Filho

Lutzomyia bahiensis 1961 with Mangabeira Filho

Lutzomyia dubitans 1962

Lutzomyia gasti 1962

Lutzomyia pelloni 1959 with Alencar

Lutzomyia viannamartinsi 1970 with Guitton

Phlebotomus montoyai 1962


Microtriatoma pratai 1982 with Guitton

Rhodnius paraensis 1977 with Guitton & Miles

Triatoma pessoai 1967 with Serafim

Triatoma lenti 1967 with Serafim


Diplome & Medal, 2000 Outstanding Scientists of the 20th Century, International Biographical Center, Cambridge, England (1999)

Who’s Who in the World (2000)