Iván Goñi Moreno, Argentine surgeon (Paris, France 30 January 1905 – 1976)
Introduced a surgical treatment for ductus arteriosus (1937)
Introduced progressive preoperative pneumoperitoneum for repair of large hernias (1940)
Chronic eventrations and large hernias: preoperative treatment by progressive pneumoperitoneum – original procedure. Surgery 22:945-53, 1947
Developed a device for operative cholangiography
Dispositivo para colangiografia operatoria después de la coledocotomia. Bol. Trab. Acad. Arg. Cir. 30:142, 1946
Developed Goñi Moreno partial cyst pericistectomy
Tecnica quirurgica de los quistes hidaticas de pulmón. Arch. Int. Hidat. 5:197, 1948
Operative Cholangiography following Choledochotomy. Am. J. Surgery 79:436-8, 1950
A new bayonet clamp for high gastric resection. JAMA 145:863, 1951.
Goñi Moreno endoprosthesis
With J.A. Gil-Marino. Intubación em el cancer inoperable del esofago. Bol. Soc. Cir. Bs. Aires 40:300, 1956
A technique of esogastric and esojejunal anastomosis in a single perforating plane
Simple, rapida y segura anastomosis esogastrica y esoyeyunal en un solo plano perforante. Acad. Peruana Cirurgia 13(2):86-7, 1960
Invented a bow for cervical surgeries
Goñi-Moreno prosthesis for treatment of esophagus cancer
Goñi-Moreno paradoxical curve
Goñi-Moreno “ramollissement des flancs” sign