James Robert Coleman, US / Brazilian botanist (Barberton, Ohio State 31 October 1934 – São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo State 03 March 2001)
Verbesina apiculata 1966
Verbesina chapmanii 1972
Verbesina tequilana 1966
With M.A. Coleman. Apomixis in two triploid Brazilian species of Eupatorium: E. bupleurifolium and E. callilepis. Rev. Brasil. Genet. (1984)
Chromosome numbers of angiosperms collected in the State of São Paulo. Rev. Brasil. Genet. 5:533-49, 1982
With M.A. Coleman. Reproductive biology of an andromonoecious Solanum (S. palinacanthum Dunal). Biotropica 14:69-75, 1982
With E.M. de Menezes. Chromosome numbers in Leguminosae from the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Rhodora 829831):475-81, 1980
Additional chromosome numbers in Brazilian Compositae. Rhodora 72:94-9, 1970
Chromosome numbers in some Brazilian Compositae. Rhodora 70:228-40, 1968
A taxonomic revision of section Jimenezia of the genus Verbesina (Compositae). Amer. Midl. Naturalist 76:475-81, 1966
Colemania Skvortzov & Noda 1968 (Protozoa)