
Jesus Villarosa Juario, Philippine fisheries biologist (Carcar, Cebu Province 06 August 1942 –

Authored 40 papers and 16 technical reports

Described one genus (Linhystera 1974), one subgenus (Nualaimus 1974) and 12 new species of free-living nematodes while working for his doctoral degree at the Institute for Marine research in Bremerhaven, Germany (1972-4)

With other scientists from the Aquaculture Department of the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC AQD) developed the technique to capture and transport wild adult milkfish and rear them in captivity

With Hiralal Chaudhuri, he spawned for the first time wild adult milkfish in captivity (1977)

With Marietta N. Duray developed the technique to spawn milkfish (Chanos chanos), in captivity and later on the technique to spawn the siganid, Siganus guttatus, and the sea bass, Lates calcarifer, in captivity and rear the resulting larvae to metamorphosis. This formed as the basis for the development of the milkfish, siganid and seabass hatchery technology at SEAFDEC AQD (1977-86)

With Volker Storch (University of Heidelberg) developed a rapid technique of assessing the nutritional quality of feed/diets through electron microscopy (1982)

With V. Storch and H. Segner, he has shown for the first time through electron microscopy that milkfish larvae could not digest Chlorella, the phytoplankton commonly used at that time together with rotifers to rear milkfish larvae to metamorphosis

Developed a technique of producing milkfish fingerlings in ponds to be used as tuna baits (1986)

Developed a technique for the commercial production of marketable-sized grouper in cages, and for the live transport of grouper fingerlings and marketable-sized fish