
João Manuel Varela, Cape Verdean scientist and poet (Mindelo, São Vicente Island 07 June 1937 – Mindelo, São Vicente Island 07 August 2007)

Described Varela syndrome

Atrophie systématisée de la formation réticulaire. Syndrome de dyshoméostasie du névraxe. Revue Neurologique (Paris), 16:437-440, 1967 

Described seaweed Chondriella isecmarius 


A telencefalização e a morfologia do sistema talâmico de projecção difusa. Thesis, Lisboa, 1964,

Atrophies de la formation réticulaire du névraxe. Psychiatria Clinica 2:41-61 & 109-123, 1969. (Abridged versin in English: Psychiatric Digest, Illinois, 31:53, 1970)

With DeWulf et al. Études cytométriques du thalamus humain normal. Giornal di Psichiatria e di Neuropatologia, Ferrara, 97:361-373, 1969 

With DeWulf et al. Acetylcholinesterase isoenzimes and nerve transmission. Abstracts FEBS Meeting, Madrid, 412, 1969.

With A. de Wulf et al. Acetylcholinesterase of muscle and brain of rat. Some kinetic differences. Abstracts IVth Intern. Congr. Neurochemistry, Tokyo, 412, 1973

With A. de Wulf et al. Properties and physiological significance of acetylcholinesterase isoenzymes of mammalian muscle. VIIth Sympos. Physio-Morphology of the Neuromuscular Junction. Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, 27-8, 1973

With A. de Wulf et al. Kinetic characterization of acetylcholinesterase of muscle and rat brain. Experientia, 29: 1347-1349, 1973

The reticular formation and the neuropathology of the autonomic disorders. Proceedings VIIth Inter. Congr. Neuropathology, ed. by St. Korney, St.Tariska and G.Gosztony. Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, pp. 753-756, 1975 

With P. Mandel. The relative distribution of soluble and insoluble cholinesterase in rat excitable tissues. Experientia 32:976-977, 1976

Cryptococcose expérimentale chez la souris: neurotropisme de souches de Cryptococcus neoformans d’origine africaine et européenne. Monography, Institut de Médecine Tropicale, Anvers, 1981

Lesions and their mechanisms in cerebral cryptococcosis. Abstracts IIth Intern. Conf. Infect. Dis., Cairo, 410, 1985. 

Cryptococcus neoformans: cell variability and pathogenic competence. Abstracts IVth Intern. Conf. Infect. Dis., Montreal, 1996, 1990,

Diphenol oxidase isoenzymes in the rabbit choroid and retina/retinal pigment epithelium. Abstracts of the 34th Annual Meeting AER, Granada, 93, 1993.

Isoenzymic patterns of tyrosinase in the rabbit choroid and retina/retinal pigment epithelium. Experimental Eye Research 60:621-629, 1995

Tetrapexity: a theory of pattern formation – Taking a special look at the brain, multicellularity, DNA and a few other biological macromolecules, ANERP, 1997.