
Johan Diederik Mohr Keet, South African botanist and forester (Cape Winelands, Western Cape Province 28 December 1882 – 09 November 1967)


A florestation and conservation in South West Africa (1927)

Treeplanting in Orange Free State, Griqualand, West Bechuanaland and north-eastern districts of the Cape Province (1929)    

Soil erosion and allied problems in South Africa (1935)

Report on drift sands in South Africa (1936)

Rainfall and stream-flow at the Cape. J.S. Afr. For. Ass. 4, 1940

National timber supply in the post-war transition period. J. S. Afr. For. Assoc. (1944)

Exploitation of indigenous timber and allied questions in S. W. Africa (1947)

Forests of the Okavango native territory. J. S. Afr. For Ass. 19:78-88, 1950

The place of wattle bark in the leather trade. J. S. Afr. For. Ass. 1:51-2, 1958

A thinning formula for Pinus patula. South African Forestry Journal 62:9-14, 1967


Keetia E. Phillips 1926 (Rubiaceae)