
Jorge Hugo Corbella Marti, Argentine geologist (fl.1969)


With A. Vuillemin, D. Ariztegui, P.R. Leavitt, L. Buntyng, F. Anselmetti, P. Francus, A. Lucke, N.I. Maidana, C. Ohlendorf, F. Schabitz, S. Wastegard & B. Zolitschka. Recording of climate and diagenesis through sedimentary DNA and fossil pigments at Laguna Potrok Aike, Argentina. Biogeosciences 13(8):2475-92, 2016

With B. Ercolano, A.M.J. Coronato, P.E. Tiberi & G.N. Marderwald. Glacial geomorphology of the tableland east of the Andes between the Coyle and Gallegos River Valleys, Patagonia, Argentina. J. Maps 12 (Suppl1):304-13,2016

With A.M.J. Coronato, B. Ercolano & P.E. Tiberi. Glacial, fluvial and volcanic lands cape evolution in the Laguna Potrok Aike maar Area, Southern Patagonia. Quart. Sci. Reviews 71:13-26, 2013

With P.S. Ross, S. Delpit, M. Haller & K. Nemeth. Influence of the substrate on maar-diatreme volcanoes – An example of a mixed setting from the Pali Aike volcanic field, Argentina. J. Volcan. Geoth. Res. 201:253-71, 2011

With R.D. Acevedo, M. Rocca, J.F. Ponce & J.O. Rabassa. Meteoritos y astroblemas de la Patagonia argentina: un recorrido por los posibles cráteres de impacto meteoritico y una guia de lós meteoritos hallados en su território. Desde La Patagonia 8(12):10-9, 2011

With R.D. Acevedo, J.F. Ponce, J.O. Rabassa & M. Rocca. Bajada del Diablo. Un excepcional campo de craters producidos por meteoritos en el centro de Chubut. Ciencia Hoy 20(18):25-35, 2010

With M. Fey, C. Korr, N.I. Maidana, M.L. Carrevedo, S. Dietrich et al. Palaeoenvironmental changes during the last 1600 years inferred from the sediment record of a cirque lake in Southern Patagonia (Laguna Las Vizcachas, Argentina). Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeocol. 281:363-75, 2009

With C. Mayr, A. Lucke, N.I. Maidana, M. Wille, T. Haberzettl et al. Isotopic and geochemical fingerprints of environmental changes during the last 16,000 years on lacustrine organic matter from Laguna Potrok Aike (Southern Patagonia, Argentina). J. Palaeolimnol. 42:81-102, 2009

With R.D. Acevedo, J.F. Ponce, M. Rocca & J. Rabassa. Bajada del Diablo impact crater-strewnfield: the largest crater field in the Southern Hemisphere. Geomorphology 110(3-4):58-67, 2009

With B. Zolitschka, F. Schabitz, A. Lucke, G. Clifton, B. Ercolano et al. Palaeoecological potential of crater lakes in the Pali Aike volcanic field, Southern Patagonia (Argentina). J. South Am. Earth Sci. 21:294-09, 2006

With B. Zolitschka, N. Maidana & C. Ohlendorf. Investigating maar formation and the climate history of Southern Argentina. The Potrok Aike maar Lake sediment. Archive Drilling Project (PASADO). Sci. Drilling 3:54-5, 2006   

With B. Zolitschka, F. Schabitz, A. Lucke, M. Wille, C. Mayr, C. Ohlendorf et al. Climate changes in Southern Patagonia (Santa Cruz, Argentina) inferred from lake sediments – the multi proxy approach of SALSA. Pages News 12(2):9-11, 2004

With F.E. Novas, S. Apesteguía & H.A. Leanza. First fission track age for the dinosaur bearing Neuquén Group. Rev. Museo Arg. Cien. Naturales 6:227-32, 2004

With F. Schabitz, M.M. Paez, M.V. Mancini, F.A. Quintana, M. Wille et al. Estudios de pólen actual como clave para la reconstrucción del paleoambiente en el sur de Patagonia, Argentina. Rev. Museo Arg. Cien. Naturales 5(2):301-16, 2003

With R. Scasso & P. Tiberi. Sedimentological analysis of the tephra from the 12-15 August 1991 eruption of Hudson volcano. Bull. Volcan. 56:121-32, 1994 

With S.M. Alonso. Postglacial hydroclastic and pyroclastic deposits in the Lanin National Park, North Patagonian Cordillera, Neuquén. Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent.44:127-32, 1989

Sierra de Queupuniyeu, North extrandean Patagonia, Rio Negro: the chemistry of the alcaline volcanic units. Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent.44:111-26, 1989

Hallazgo de rocas leuciticas en la Sierra de Los Chacays, Patagonia Extrandina, Provincia de Chubut. Rev. Asoc. Arg. Mineral. Petrol. Sediment. 14(3-4):88-96, 1983   

Quimismo del Complejo Volcánico alcalino sierra Negra de Telsen, Patagonia extrandina Norte, Argentina. Rev. Asoc. Arg. Min. Petrol Sedim. 13(1-2):29-38, 1982

Contribución al conocimiento geológico de la Alta sierra de Somuncura, Macizo Nordpatagonico, Província de Rio Negro (República Argentina). Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 29(2):155-90, 1974

Basaltos nefelínicos associados al graben del Cerro Piche, Macizo Nordpatagónico, Província de Rio Negro, Argentina. Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 28(3):209-18, 1973

Etude geologique de La sierra de las Moreas (Prov. De Murcie, Espagne). Thesis (1969) 


Corbellia Maidana & Round 1999 (Bacillariophyceae)