José Antonio Felix de la Caridad Valdés y Anciano, Cuban neurologist (Matanzas 31 March 1867 – La Habana 10 March 1923)
First reported a generalized hereditary emphysema
Enfisema generalizado de caracter familiar (1896)
Reported the youngest patient with acromegaly
Acromegalia en un negro de 14 años. Presse Medicale (1897)
First in the world to use antidiphteric serum for treating other diseases beyond diphtheria
Un caso de bronquitis seudo-membranosa, estafilocóccica, sin bacilos de Loeffler, tratado com êxito por el suero de Roux (1897)
First reported the coexistence of pseudohypertrophic myopathy and Friedrich disease in the same patient
Enfermedad de Friedrich y miopatia pseudohipertrofica coexistentes en un mesmo individuo. Rev. Med. Cubana 3:125, 1904
First reported the coexistence of chronic trophoedema and acromegaly
Trofoedema cronico pseudoelefantiasico en un negro acromegalico. Rev. Med. Cubana 9:15, 1906
Enunciated a new theory about mitral functional narrowness
With Filomeno Rodríguez Acosta Nueva teoría sobre la estrechez mitral funcional. Rev. Med. Cubana 21:61, 1912
Foreigner Associated Member, Medic Psychological Society, Paris (1910)
Correspondent Member, Neurological Society of Philadelphia (1906)
Honorary Member, Societé Medecine Mentale de Belgique
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