
José Francisco de Madureira Pará, Brazilian pathologist (Rio de Janeiro 29 June 1915 – Rio de Janeiro 10 April 1970)


Described “spider” cells in hepatic atrophies, a feature found in Labrea hepatitis. This discovery was independent from studies of Colombian A. Gast-Galvis

Serviço de Estudos e Pesquisas da Febre Amarela. Annual Report, Rio de Janeiro, 1945

Resumo das atividades do Serviço Nacional de Febre amarela, 1949

Developed Madureira Pará method for leptospirosis diagnosis in paraffin included material

Silver impregnation of spirochaetes in tissue sections. Description of a new technic. Arch. Path. 42:649-55, 1946 

A staining method for the microscopical differentiation of Councilman bodies produced by yellow fever and carbon tetrachloride poisoning. Arq. V Congr. Intern. Microbiol. 1:469-71, 1950