
José Jerônimo Triana Silva, Colombian botanist, physician and explorer (Bogotá 22 May 1828 –Bogotá 31 October 1890)

Developed many therapeutic products such as Triana cough syrup, Triana patches or Andean plaster (bandages to treat corns), powder toothpastes, Colombian powder and a quine-based medicinal wine  

Popularized the industrial use of a plant pigment known as Triana green for staining

Contributed to discovery of new alkaloids such as cinchonamine


Achatocarpus 1858

Brachyotum 1867

Burmeistera 1857 with Karsten

Calycophysum 1855 with Karsten

Cephalotomandra 1855 with Karsten

Clusiella 1860

Comatoglossum 1855 with Karsten

Cuervea 1872

Dendrostylis 1854 with Karsten

Diplarpea 1867

Gloeospermum 1862 with Planchon

Havetiopsis 1860 with Planchon

Llerasia 1858

Monolena 1867

Oedematopus 1860 with Planchon

Pelliciera 1862 with Planchon

Stephanogastra 1854 with Karsten

Thinouia 1862 with Planchon

Tovomitopsis 1860 with Planchon

Trichantha 1854 with Karsten


Vice president, International Congress of Botany, London for his fame as expert on South American tropical flora (1866)

Gold Medal at International Exposition of Paris for his herbarium and archaeological collection (1867)

Award at Universal Exposition of Paris (1889)

Medal of Société de Agriculture de France due to his work La Quinologia de Mutis (1872)


Trianaea Planchon & Linden 1853 (Solanaceae)

Trianaeopiper Trelease 1928 (Piperaceae)