Jose Luis Delpini Fraguglia, Argentine civil engineer (Buenos Aires 24 August 1897 – Buenos Aires 13 March 1964)
Invented and patented preformed concrete and self-supporting fiber cement
With R. Bes & V. Sulcic designed and built Mercado del Abasto of Buenos Aires (1930) with worldwide repercussion for its huge reinforced concrete domes and the first use of structural glass (glassbeton) on a large scale
Gave the first design of a stayed bridge (1954)
Proposed a functional type of stadium similar to turbine shape and function (1956)
Proposed a transparent and bomb-permeable hangar (1956)
With J. Basaldua & Ugarte created the mosquito arch, a mixed steel and concrete structure assembled in modular series (1954)
With F. Garcia Olano, A. Segura Godoy & J. Gonzalez Dogliotti. Criterio para el calculo de piezas de hormigón armado (1954)
With A. Segura Godoy, J. Gonzalez Dogliotti, J. Varela & J. Martínez Castillo. Fundamento estadístico para la reduccion de los coeficientes de seguridad
Improvements introduced in the manufacture of composite structured members ES291026 A1 (1964)
Fiber cement retainer or rivete stud FR1380487A (1963) ES291026A1 (1963)
Composite constructive element FR1376596A (1963)
Steel bar for concrete reinforcement FR1240643A (1959)
With José Taraborrelli. Platform of passenger cars US 1,954,404 (1929)
Passenger vehicle US 1662961A (1927)
Transport vehicle and the like US 1766506A (1925)
Protective cover for pneumatic tires and the like US1642104A (1925)
Transporting vehicle US1662376A (1924)
Device for vehicles coupled to articulated chassis for bodies FR599903A (1924)
LINKS (Jose Luis Delpini “el compositor estructural” (in Italian)