
José Manuel Rivero Carvallo, Mexican cardiologist (Tehuacán, Puebla State 01 April 1905 – Ciudad de Mexico 15 February 1993)


Described Carvallo sign

Signo para el diagnostico de las insuficiencias tricuspideas. Arch. Inst. Cardiol. Mex. 16:531, 1946

Described the use of Rivero Carvallo maneuver in the diagnosis of tricuspid stenosis

El diagnostico de la estenosis tricuspidea. Arch. Inst. Cardiol. Mex. 20:1-11, 1950

Described the sign of the double apical thrust

El signo de doble choque apexiano. Arch. Inst. Cardiol. Mex. 32(5):387-99, 1962

Designed a manouevre to determine apex area

Studied syndrome of compression of the left main bronchus or King-Landau-Rivero syndrome

The Left Bronchial Compression Syndrome. Am. J. Cardiol. 9:521, 1962

Discovered atrium papyraceum

Semiologia de las lesiones tricuspideas. Arch. Inst. Cardiol. Mexico 21:567-93, 1951

With H. Ramírez-Jaime. Atrium papyraceum: the clinical diagnosis of the paper-thin right atrium.  Am. J. Cardiol. 16(3):369-78, 1965