José Oiticica Filho, Brazilian entomologist and photographer (Rio de Janeiro 28 February 1906 – Rio de Janeiro 26 July 1964)
Regarded as one of best photographers in the world in according to Fédération d’Art Photographique (c.1944) and Photographic Society of America (1949)
Authored over 60 papers
Adhemarius 1939
Almeidella 1946
Autogramma 1946
Cicia 1964
Duboisvalia 1955
Feschaeria 1954
Frostetola 1955
Hista 1954
Lapaeumides 1954
Pantophaea 1946
Psigida 1959
Riechia 1954
Sagenosoma 1946
Tosxampila 1955
Uestiudia 1955
Yagra 1955
Zegara 1954
HONORS (Lepidoptera)
Oiticicia Michener 1949
Oiticicastnia Lamas 1995
Citioica Travassos & Noronha 1965
Oiticella Travassos & Noronha 1965
Lepidoiticicia Travassos 1958