José Vicente Scorza Benítez, Venezuelan parasitologist (Caracas 08 July 1924 – Merida 18 August 2016)
From Italian ancestry
Proposed identification of Leishmania braziliensis, L.mexicana and L. garnhami species by location of kinetoplast
With H. Urdaneta. Experimental basis for the identification of American Leishmania spp. by morphometry of amastigotes. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz (1982)
Developed ulamine, a pentavalent antimonial for leishmaniasis
With Y. Petit de Peña, N.Vicuña Fernandez, S. López Rangel, L. Vasquez, P. Carrero, J.V. Scorza Dagert & C. Rondón. Antimony speciation in human blood samples from patients treated with ulamine: a novel experimental drug for leishmaniasis. Metal. Ions In Biol. Med. 8:560-3, 2004
With J. Marquez & N. Añez. Coconut water as a monophasic liquid medium for cultivating Trypanosomatidae. Trans. Royal Soc. Trop. Med. Hum. (1987)
With J.C. Sanchez Marquez & M.M. Nin Marquez. La densidad de Lutzomyia townsendi (Diptera:Phlebotominae) adultos estimada fototacticamente mediante el marcado con fluorocromos (1984)
A new method for isolating Schistosoma japonicum eggs by enzymes (1961)
With A. Alvarez, I. Ramos, C. Dagert, A Díaz Vasquez & J.F. Torrealba. New rapid method for the diagnosis of Chagas disease in its chronic phase (Application of the Sabin-Feldman dye test). Arch. Venez. Med. Trop. Parasitol. Med. 3(1):122-35, 1959
Cercaria allotropicalis 1966
Hepatozoon legeri 1956 with Dagert & Iturriza
Hepatozoon didelphidis
Leishmania garnhami 1979 with Valera, Scorza, Carnevali, Moreno & Lugo Hernandez
Plasmodium pifanoi 1956 with Dagert
Plasmodium torrealbai 1957 with Dagert
Sarcocystis cervi 1957 with Torrealba & Dagert
Sarcocystis didelphis 1957 with Torrealba & Dagert
Toxoplasma serpai 1956 with Dagert & Iturriza Arocha
Trypanosoma ocumarensis 1955 with Dagert
Diptera (with Ortiz 1963)
Subgenus Pifanomyia
Brumptomyia devenanzii
Lutzomyia ottolinai
Nemopalpus torrealbai
Neochactas orinicensis 1954
Teuthraustes carmelinae 1954
Tityus urbinai 1954
Tityus valeriae 1954
Chordodes lichyi 1954
Klossiella tejerai 1957 with Torrealba & Dagert
Peripatus (Epiperipatus) torrealbai 1953