
 Leonard B. Mwasumbi, Tanzanian botanist (1938 – 2013)


With G. da Silva, E. Ferreira, R. Serrano, E. Teixeira Gomes, M. Caniça & O. Silva. In vitro anti Neisseria gonorrheae activity of Terminalia boiviniiTerminalia sambesiaca and Terminalia spinosa. Planta Med. 76:468, 2010

With P. Fyhrquist, P. Vuorela, H. Vuorela, R. Hitunen, C. Murphy & H. Adlercreutz. Preliminary antiproliferative effects of some species of TerminaliaCombretum and Pteleopsis collected in Tanzania on some human cancer lines. Fitoterapia 77(5):358-66, 2006

With P. Fyrhquist, C.A. Haeggstrom, H. Vuorela, R. Hitunen & P. Vuorela. Antifungal activity of selected species of TerminaliaPteleopsis and Combretum (Combretaceae) collected in Tanzania. Pharmac. Biol. 42(4-5):308-17, 2004

With P. Fyrhquist, C.A. Haeggstrom, H. Vuorela, R. Hitunen & P. Vuorela. Ethnobotanical and antimicrobial investigation on some species of Terminalia and Combretum (Combretaceae) growing in Tanzania. J. Ethnopharmac. 79(2):169-77, 2002

With D.M. Jonhson & F.M. Mbago. New species of Xylopia and Uvaria (Annonaceae) from Tanzania. Novon 9(1):55-60, 1999

With P. Karhula, M. Harkonen, T. Saarimaki & A. Verbeken. Tanzanian mushrooms and their uses. VI. Lactarius. Karstenia 38:49-69, 1998

With F. Freiburghaus, S.A. Jonker, M.H.H. Nkunya & R. Brun. In vitro trypanocidal activity of some rare Tanzanian medicinal plants. Acta Tropica 66(2):79-83, 1997

With F.D. Calonge, M. Harkonen & T. Saarimaki. Tanzanian mushrooms and their uses. V. Some notes on the Gasteromycetes. Karstenia 37:3-10, 1997

With K, Vainio-Mattila & K. Lahti. Traditional use of wild vegetables in the East Usambara Mountains (1997)

With M.C. Gessler, D.E. Msuya, M.H.H. Nkunya, A. Schar, M. Heinrich & M. Tanner. Traditional healers in Tanzania: the treatment of malaria with plant remedies. J. Ethnopharm. 48(3):131-44, 1995

With M.C. Gessler, M.H.H. Nkinya, M. Heinrich & M. Tanner. Screening Tanzanian medicinal plants for antimalarial activity. Acta Tropica 56:65-77, 1994

With M. Harkonen & T. Saarimaki. Edible and poisonous mushrooms of Tanzania. Afr. J. Mycol. Biotechnol. 2:99-123, 1994

With N.D. Burgess & G.P. Clarke. Vegetation of Pande and Kiono Coastal forests, Tanzania. Plant Ecology 113(1):71-81, 1994

With M. Harkonen & T. Saarimaki. Tanzanian mushrooms and their uses. IV. Some reddish edible and poisonous Amanita species. Karstenia 34:47-60, 1994

With T. Saarimaki & M. Harkonen. Tanzanian mushrooms and their uses. III. Termitomyces singidensis sp.nov. Karstenia 34:13-20, 1994

With M. Harkonen & T. Saarimaki. Tanzanian mushrooms and their uses. II. An edible species of Coprinus section Lanatuli. Karstenia 33:51-9, 1993

With M. Harkonen, B. Buyck & T. Saarimaki. Tanzanian mushrooms and their uses. I. Russula. Karstenia 33:11-50, 1993

With N.H.H. Nkunya, H. Weenen, D.H. Bray & Q.H. Mgari. Antimalarial activity of Tanzanian plants and their active constituents. The genus Uvaria. Planta Medica 57 (1991)

With H. Weenen, M.H.H. Nkunya, D.H. Bray, L.S. kinabo, V.A.E.B. Kilimali & J.B.P.A. Wijnberg. Antimalarial activity of Tanzanian medicinal plants. Planta Medica 56(4):368-70, 1990

With H. Weenen, M.H.H. Nkunya, D.H. Bray, L.S. kinabo, V.A.E.B. Kilimali & J.B.P.A. Wijnberg. Antimalarial compounds containing an α,β-unsaturated carbonyl moiety from Tanzanian medicinal plants (1990)

With B. Verdcourt. A new species of Uvaria (Annonaceae) from Tanzania. Kew Bulletin 43(1):99-101, 1988

With I.S. Kikula & S.A. Mohamed. A baseline plant checklist of the vegetation around the southern pulp and paper mill in southern Mifundi District, Tanzania (1986)


Mwasumbia Couvreur & Johnson 2009 (Annonaceae)