
Leonardo Enrique Zeevaert Wiechers, Mexican structural engineer (Veracruz 27 November 1914 – Ciudad de Mexico 16 February 2010)

From German descent

Recognized as a world leader of geotechnical engineering

Authored 159 papers

Developed the concept of intergranular viscosity

First to apply the concept of controlled flexibility in the design of structures

Introduced the concept of elastic stability in design of high-rise steel

Improved the concept of  compensated foundation and developed the concept of compensated friction pile foundations

Discovered the phenomenon of negative friction in piles

Developed and named Seismo-Geodynamic Theory

Ecuación completa de consolidación para depositos de arcilla que exhiben fuerte compresión secundaria (A complete equation of foundation for clay depots presenting Strong secondary compression). Rev. Ingenieria UNAM (6-8):57-72, 1951


Special procedures for deep excavations to be used in conjunction with floating foundations

A method to find out the resonance periods of the subsoil (1950s)

A procedure for the construction of hanging buildings that gives more architectural flexibility in the ground floor

A procedure for determining the hydrodynamic horizontal flow in stratified soils

A procedure to assess negative friction in piles

Innovative design methods for compensated foundation, piled raft foundations and compensated-friction pile foundations

Lez foundation

Um método sencillo para el cálculo de las estructuras indeterminadas (A simple method for calculation of indeterminated structures) . Rev. Ingenieria Esc. Nac. Ingenieros p.257-61, 1939  


Designed free-vibrating torsion pendulum for determining the dynamical properties of the soil (1965)

A Hollandish modified chamber

Lez pile head

Authored Foundation Engineering for Difficult Subsoil Conditions (1972) translated into Chinese and Polish languages


Special Prize, American Institute for Steel Construction (the first one awarded outside United States)

Gold medal, American Institute of Architects (1965)

Honorary Member, Belgian Royal Academy of Arts & Sciences & National Academy of Engineering, United States

23rd Terzaghi Lecture, American Society of Civil Engineers (1987)