Leopold Hainberger, Austrian-born Brazilian father and analytical chemist (Ulrichsberg 08 November 1908 – Rio de Janeiro 03 February 1988)
developed new methods
With R.N. Damasceno a colorimetric method for vanadium
With H.P. Henriques a new method for spectrophotometric determination of manganese at submicrogram scale
With C. Martire a new sensitive and selective method for aluminium (1985)
With S.T. Moreira & V. Cotsas a technique for determinations on lead (1977)
With Feigl a spot-test for sodium dithionite
With H. Ballczo a simple method for quantitative determination of iodide, bromide and chloride dissolved in one drop (1959)
With A.L. Rebello a method of spectrophotometric determination of copper (1974)
With G. Gryner a method for spectrophotometric determination of iron (II) in the presence of cobalt and nickel (1977)
With S.F.T. Moreira a sensitive method of spectrophotometric determination of silver (1977)
With W.O. Andrade a sensitive and selective method of spectrophotometric determination of molybdenum (1982)
With S.J. Zundel a rapid and sensitive test for uranium (1964)
With J. Nozaki. Empfindliche nitratbestimmung in Gewassern mit 2,7-diaminofluoren. Mikrochim. Acta 1:75-80, 1979
With E. Minzl. Studium und Anwendung eines neuen komplexes von kupfer mit Salicylsaure. Mikrochim. Acta 64:353-8, 1975
With M. Krizanova & A. Reis. Spectrometric determination of niobium with chloranilic acid. Z. Anal. Chem. 261(4-5):400, 1972
With S.C. Sanchez. The detection of thorium with alizarin S and its determination on the ring oven according to Weisz. Mikrochim. Acta 2:245-9, 1961
With F. Feigl. Improved test for formaldehyde (1955)