
Lingxi Qian, Chinese civil engineer (Wuxi, Jiangsu Province 16 July 1916 – 20 April 2009)

Proposed no shear moment distribution method

Discovered a simplified method of analyzing suspension bridge (1940s)

Proved complementary energy can be a powerful energy variation principle for non-linear problem (1950)

Proposed a novel ladder type of dam (1959)

Discovered crown cantilever method to calculate arch dam

Proposed a new type of buttress dam, the terraced dam

Proposed a generalized variational principle for the limit analysis in solid mechanics (1965) 

With Y.K. Sui & W.X. Zhong proposed an arithmetic of structure  optimization (1983)

Eponym of Qian Lingxi formula to determine rock resistance coefficient in engineering


Algorithm for eigenvalue problems. J. Dalian Univ. Technol. 39(2):180-2, 1999

With M. Luan. Simplified procedure for estimating shaking-induced pore-water pressure dissipation of layered saturated sands. J. Dalian Univ. Technol. 35(2):216-21, 1995

An order-reduction method for extraction of eigenvalue of dynamic systems. Computer & Structures 54(6):1099-1103, 1995

With J. Tang. Parallel algorithm for structural limit analysis and shakedown analysis. J. Comp. Mechanics 14(2), 1977  

With H.W. Zhang. On the dynamic analysis of interaction between structure and soil foundation: an improved non-reflecting boundary method


With C.W. Wu. Mini stainless steel draft-filter-felt. China Patent 90200802 (1990)