Lorenzo Mérola, Uruguayan surgeon (Montevideo 29 February 1880 – Montevideo 05 April 1935)
Anticipated concepts about inflammation and cancer
Classified the forearm muscles
Discovered Mérola triangle and inter-ureteral lamina (later rediscovered by Albanese)
Described the axillary aponeurosis and Merola ligament (posterior axillary ligament)
Aponeurosis of the axilla. The existence of a posterior suspensory ligament. Rev. Hospital (1912)
Created a technique for approach the upper aspect of the liver by thoracic frenolaparotomy 1916 (rediscovered by Schwartz and Quenu in 1919)
Ensayo de acceso a la fosa frenica. Anales Fac. Med. Montevideo 1:199, 1916
Described thoraco-abdominal transphrenic approach
Manera de abordar la cara superior del hígado. Incisión toraco-abdominal. Anales Fac. Med. Montevideo 2:105, 1917
Modified Halsted radical mastectomy or Merola operation (from 1912 but published in 1936). This technique was rediscovered independently by Patey in 1948
Performed the world’s first mastectomy without removing the pectoral
Developed occipital transtentorial approach to the pineal body for tumors of this region
Abordaje de los cuatro ventrículos pedínculos y epífisis. Anales Clin. Mérola (1926)
First to use colon rather than stomach in dogs
Notas Anatomicas y Clinicas. Rev. Hospitales 87, 1912
Others surgical innovations include Disinsertion of mesenterium (1917), Rectum amputation by via abdominal, Organ systems extirpation and Synthetic approach of brain and cerebellar fossae
Most of this text extracted from Cir. Del Uruguay 51(4):297-315, 1981
His homonym son, Lorenzo Mérola Soñora, surgeon (Montevideo 02 September 1920 – Montevideo 23 September 1980)
Authored over 40 works
Created original techniques
Un Nuevo procedimiento de unión esofagoyeyunal después de gastrectomia total. Trabajo experimental.
Esofagitis posoperatoria
Ileo biliar
Gastrectomía total por câncer: resección, restabelecimento del trânsito transduodenal y construcción de bolsa de yeyuno
La lámina retropericárdica
La resección anterior en el cáncer de recto
Tratamiento de las fístulas perianales extraesfinterianas
Resección ensanchada del esófago torácico inferior
Anatomia y embriologia de las zonas herniarias del diafragma
Gastrectomía total
Aplicación clinica de la esófago-yeyunostomia transmesenterica
Extracted from Cir. del Uruguay 51, 1981