Louis Hsiao Yun Chen, Singaporean mathematician (1940 –
Turned Stein concentration inequality concept into an effective tool for providing error bounds for the normal approximation in many settings
Eponym of Stein-Chen method of Poisson approximation
With Q.M. Shaq. A non-uniform Berry-Esseen bound via Stein’s method. Probab. Theory Relat. Fields 120 (92):236-54, 2001
An inequality for the multivariate normal distribution. J. Multiv. Anal. 12(2):306-15, 1982
With S.T. Ho. An Lp bound for the remainder in a combinatorial central limit theorem. Ann. Probability 6:231-49, 1978
An approximation theorem for convolutions of probability measures. Ann. Probab. 3:992-9, 1975
Ann approximation theorem for sums of certain randomly selected indicators. Zeitsch. f. Wahrschein. Verw. Geb. 33:69-74, 1975