Luis Eduardo Mora Osejo, Colombian botanist (Túquerres, Nariño Department 07 December 1931 – Bogotá 10 March 2004)
Authored 72 works
Performed studies on comparative morphology and ecological physiology of plants
Discovered an inverse relationship between growth promotion, ramification grade and structural complexity of vegetative and reproductive phases in Cyperaceae
Beitrage zur Vergleichende Morphologie und Entwiklungsgeschichte der Cyperaceen. Beitrage zur Biologie der Pflanzen 35:253-341, 1960
Established morphological nature of many perigonal structures in Cyperaceae and of spiculae hook in Uncinia sp.
Las inflorescencias parciales de Uncinia hamata y la agrupación sistematica de las Caricoideae Kukenthal. Caldasia 9(44):277-93, 1966
Proposed that global solar radiation and relative humidity are the main outside factors that act on development and growth of plants on tropical high mountains
La situación de los bosques naturales de Colombia y resultados preliminares de experimentos sobre cultivos de plantas nativas. Rev. Acad. Colom. Cien. Exac. Fís. Natur. 15(59):71-100, 1984
Discovered pulse transpiration (in páramo plants)
La regulación de la transpiración momentanea en plantas del páramo por factores endogenos y ambientales. In: Mora Osejo, L.E. & Sturm, H. Estudios ecológicos del páramo y del bosque altoandino, Cordillera Oriental de Colombia. Acad. Col. Cien. Exac. Fis. Natur. Col. J. Alvarez Lleras 6. Editorial Guadalupe (1994)
Carex sanctae-marthae 1983 with Rangel
Elaeagia pastoensis 1977
Eleocharis columbiensis 1978
Gunnera aequatoriensis 1978
Gunnera antioquensis 1978
Gunnera atropurpurea 1978
Gunnera bogotana 1978
Gunnera caucana 1984
Gunnera colombiana 1978
Gunnera cuatrecasasii 1984
Gunnera diazii 1984
Gunnera garciae-barrigae 1984
Gunnera hernandezi 1978
Gunnera lozanii 1985
Gunnera quitoensis 1978
Gunnera sanctae-marthae 1983
Gunnera schindleri 1978
Gunnera schultesii 1984
Gunnera silvioana 1983
Gunnera steyermarkii 1978
Gunnera tacueyana 1983
Gunnera tajumbina 1983
Gunnera talamancana 1958 with Weber
Gunnera tamanensis 1984
Gunnera tayronia 1978
Gunnera venezolana 1978
Isoetes dichotoma 1977 with Hagemann
Oreobolus cleefii 1987
Rapatea circasiana 1954 with García Barriga
Rapatea muaju 1954 with García Barriga
Rapatea schultesiana 1954 with García Barriga
Rhynchospora paramorum 1966
Saxo-fridericia colombiana 1954 with García Barriga
One section, 2 subspecies and 9 varieties