
Mahmoud Ahmed El Sherbini, Egyptian atomic physicist (Menial Al Kamh, Sharqia 22 January 1909 – 11 June 1998)

Authored papers with great recognition in scientific circles

The Stark effect for strong fields. Philos. Magazine 14(7):384-6, 1932

Did pioneering work on crystal rectification

With Y.L. Youssef. The effect of cooling and of magnetic fields on crystal rectification. Proceed. Phys. Soc. 51:449, 1939

Reversal of rectification by heat in crystal contacts and its analogy to a thermos-electric phenomenon. Proc. Phys. Soc. Lond. 53:120-5, 1941

With Y.L. Youssef. Dependence of the direction of rectification in copper pyrites on voltage, temperature and time of measurement. Nature 147 (3731):543, 1941

Discovered inverse rectification at low temperatures

With Y. Leito. Effect of temperatures on crystal rectification at low temperatures (1938)


Copper beryllium alloys as secondary electron emitters (1961)

With A. S. El Meligy. Energy levels for the Coulomb potential with cut-off. Zeitschr. fur Angew. Mathem. Physik ZAMP 10(5):474-7, 1959     

With I.L. Abdallah. Formation of surface layers under ultrasonic agitation for investigations on secondary electron emission. Proc. Math. Phys. Soc. Egypt 4:45-52, 1956 

With S.R. Haddara. Secondary electron emission and surface structure. Proc. Math. Phys. Soc. Egypt 3(3):25-36, 1949

Third order terms in the theory of Stark effect. Philos. Magazine 13(7):24-8, 1932

Three-dimensional periodic orbits in the field of a non-neutral atom. Philos. Magazine 14(7):303-10, 1932

Electron reflection in the low energy region. Thesis (1932)

A simple thermal milliammeter