Mandyam Osuri Parthasarathy Iyengar, Indian phycologist (Madras 15 December 1886 – 10 December 1963)
DESCRIBED ALGAE GENERA (some are posthumous)
Characiellopsis 1975
Characiosiphon 1936
Chlamydocystis 1975
Cylindrocapsopsis 1957
Delphinomonas 1976
Dendrocystis 1962
Ecballocystella 1975
Ecballocystopsis 1933
Fortiellopsis 1976
Fritschiella 1932
Gilbertsmithia 1975
Gloeotilopsis 1956 with Philipose
Heterothrichopsis 1941 with Kanthamma
Hormidiella 1940 with Kantamma
Melomonas 1976
Palmellosphaerium 1971
Pyramidococcus 1976
Stylosphaeridiella 1975
Ulotrichella 1975
Cladospongia 1940 with Ramanathan (Protozoa)
Mastigocladopsis 1946 with Desikachary (Cyanophyceae)
Triplastrum 1942 with Ramanathan (Charophyta)
Iyengarina Subramanian 1958 (Fungi)
Iyengariella Desikachary 1953 (Cyanophyceae)
Iyengaria Boergensen 1939 (Phaeophyceae)
Iyengariomonas Desikachary 1965 (Chlorophyta)