
Manuel Luz Roxas, Philippine agronomist (Lipa, Batangas 19 June 1888 – 06 September 1958)

Expert on agricultural chemistry and food technology

Authored 95 scientific papers 


The effect of some stimulants upon rice. Phil. Agric. Forester 1:89, 1912

Lipase in the germinating coconut. Phil. Agric. Forester 3:33-9, 1914

The reaction between amino acids and carbohydrates as a probable cause of humin formation. J. Biol. Chem. 27:71-93, 1916

With R. V. Manio. Industrial alcohol from cassava. Philip. Agriculturist 10:75-84, 1921

Effect of bunga on sugar cane. Phil. Sugar News 96, 1927

The manufacture of sugar from nipa sap. J. Sci. 40:185, 1929

With M. Villano. Studies on the development of the sugar cane plant. Root and shoot development of M-1900. The planter and Sugar Manufacturer 83, 1929 

With N.D. Grecia. The use of a lime-magnesia solution for soaking cane points. Sugar News 10:815-8, 1929


Roxasella Merino 1936 (Hemiptera)