
Marcel Roche Dugand, Venezuelan physician and scientist (Caracas 15 August 1920 – Miami 03 May 2003)

From French descent

Authored 101 scientific papers and 12 books and monographs

Found that heme iron from meat increased the absorption of iron from other sources known as meat effect

With M. Layrisse & C. Martínez Torres. Effect of interaction of various foods on iron absorption. Amer. J. Clin. Nutr. 21:1175, 1968

Designed a special apparatus for observation and filming of hookworm


With M.E. Perez Gimenez & A. Levy. Isotopic tracer method for measurement of iron lost into and re-absorbed from Gastro-intestinal bleeding lesions. Nature 180:1278-9, 1957

With C. Martinez Torres. A method for in vitro study of hookworm activity. Exper. Parasitol. 9:250-6, 1960  

Paper in famous reviews 

With C. Martínez Torres & L. MacPherson. Electroesophagogram of individual hookworm (Ancylostoma caninum). Science 136:148-50, 1962


Doctor Honoris Causa, Case Institute of Technology (1960)

Doctor Honoris Causa, Saint Joseph’s University (1992)