
Mario Gonzalez Ulloa, Mexican plastic surgeon (Chihuahua 21 March 1913 – 05 March 1995)


Refined the placement of a silastic pancake prosthesis for gluteal reconstruction as a cosmetic procedure with a subcutaneous pocket using implants (1977-9)

Presented a new transoccipital incision that permits peripheral antigravitational pull of all segments of the face (1972)

Introduced the concept of profile-plasty (1964)

Described and named the zero-degree facial meridian or Frankfurt-Gonzalez Ulloa facial angle (1962)

Developed an innovative facelift incision which neatly circumscribed the entire scalp (1962)

With Regnault first described the idea of treating hypoplastic and ptotic breasts with a combined implant and lift (1960s)

Developed a technique of circular abdominoplasty (1960)

One of the first to describe malar augmentation with alloplastic implants (1957)

Suggested that burn scar could be replaced with flaps or grafts that surface entire regions whose limits extend to natural borders (1956)

Described the aesthetic units and subunits of the face delineating lines of demarcation (1954)

Coined the terms belt lipectomy (1960) and sad buttocks syndrome (1977)

A technique for correction of prognathism in Artroplastia temporo-mandibular en el tratamiento del prognatismo. Cir. Ciruj. 19(9):445-66, 1951


The callous elbow and aging of the upper arm. Aesthetic Plast. Surg. 14(1):53-7, 1990

The fast nose. Aesthetic Plast. Surg. 8(3):135-40, 1984

An update on blepharoplasty. Aesthetic Plast. Surg. 7(1):1-11, 1983

Punch rhinoplasty: a complement to rhytidectomy. Aesthetic Plast. Surg. 2(1):291-4, 1978

An articulated acrylic prosthetic structure for the repair of flat nose. J. Int. Coll. Surg. 27(3):359-64, 1957

Late results in the treatment of prognathism by double condylectomy: with an account of our contribution to the technic and report on a first group of patients operated five years ago. Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 18(1):50-64, 1956

With A. Castillo, E. Stevens & G.A. Fuentes. Selective method of flaps and grafts for total repair of skin of the face. Rev. Bras. Cir. 29(5):449-66, 1955 

An easy method to correct prominent ears. Brit. J. Plast. Surg. 4:207-9, 1951

A new device for easier skin structure suturing. Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 3(1):92-4, 1948

A tool to facilitate suturing the skin. Rev. Bras. Cir. 16(12):781, 1947 

Un nuevo aparato para fracturas nasales. Rev. Bras. Cir. 11:215-8, 1942


Gonzalez Ulloa-Stevens method for determination of the depth degree of burns 

Gonzalez Ulloa procedure for ptotic chin

Gonzalez Ulloa technique, a technique using the sub-gluteal incision/suture with an anterior approach for antihelix reconstruction (1952)

Gonzalez Ulloa scrotoplasty