
Mário Guimarães Ferri, Brazilian botanist (São José dos Campos, São Paulo State 07 July 1918 –São Paulo 15 June 1985)

Expert on plant hormones and ecology 

Developed a biological test for detecting auxins in plants

With Lúcia V. de Camargo. Influence of growth substances on the pulvini of the primary leaves of bean plants. Anais Acad. Bras. Ciencias 22, 1950


Preliminary observations on the translocation of synthetic growth substances. Contrib. Boyce Thompson Inst. 14, 1945

With S.G. Wildman & J. Bonner. The enzymatic conversion of tryptophan to auxin by spinach leaves. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 13:131, 1947

With A. Lex. Stomatal behavior as influenced by treatment of β-naphthoxyacetic acid. Contrib. Boyce Thompson Inst. 15:283-90, 1948

With M. Rachid. Further information on the stomatal behavior as influenced by treatment with hormone-like substances. Anais Acad. Bras. Ciencias 21:155-66, 1949 

Photoinactivation of the plant hormone indol acetic acid by fluorescent substances. Nature 4269, 1951

With L. Labouriau. Water balance from the “caatinga”. I. Transpiration of some of the most frequent species of the “caatinga” of Paulo Afonso (Bahia) in the rainy season. Rev. Bras. Biol. 12:301-12, 1952

Water balance of the “caatinga”, a semi-arid type of vegetation of northern Brazil. In: 8ieme Congrès Internat. Bot. Paris. Rapports et communications. Parvenus avant le congrès, sect. 7, Paris 221-3, 1954  

On the moprphology of the stomata of Eucalyptus terticornisOuratea spectabilis and Cedrela fissilis. Bol. Fac. Cien. Letras USP 173 Bot. 11, 1954

Photoactive movement of the stomata of sugarcane. Revta. Bras. Biol. 17, 1957

Aspects of the soil-water plant relationships in connection with some Brazilian types of vegetation. In: Proc. Abidjan UNESCO and the Commission for Technical Co-operation in Africa south of the Sahara. Symposium UNESCO: Tropical Soils and Vegetation 103-9, 1959

With B.L. Morretes. Contribuição ao estudo da anatomia das folhas de plantas do Cerrado. I. Bol. Fac. Fil. Cien. Letras Univ. S. Paulo 16:7-70, 1959

Contributions to the knowledge of the ecology of the “Rio Negro Caatinga” (Amazon). Bull. Res. Council Israel Sect. D 8:195-207, 1960

Problems of water relations of some Brazilian vegetation types, with special consideration of the concepts of xeromorphy and xerophytism. Plant water relationships in arid and semi-arid conditions. Proc. Madrid Symposium Arid zone Research 16:191-7, Unesco, Paris, 1961   

With B.L. Morretes. Contribuição ao conhecimento da anatomia de folhas de plantas de uma caatinga do Rio Negro (Amazonas). Revta. Biol. Lisboa 78(1-4): 97-122, 1972

His brother, Rubens Guimarães Ferri, immunochemist (São Paulo 25 October 1922 – São Paulo 02 August 1979)


With H.C. Ferreira & L.G. Murat. Rapid test for fibrinolysis in vivo. Transfusion 4:21-5, 1964

With W. Cossermelli. Analyse immuno-eletrophoretique. Micro et macrométhodes, Rev. Franc. Etud. Clin. Biol. 9:134, 1964

With W. Cossermelli, S.D. Giannini & T. Tutiya. Tests for evaluation of activity in rheumatoid arthritis. Rev. Paul. Med. 49(5):353-8, 1956

With L.V. Decourt, M. Papaleo Neto, S.D. Giannini, G. Spilborghs & T. Tutiya. Serological tests in diagnosis of rheumatic activity. I. Determination of mucoprotein. Arq. Bras. Cardiol. 8(4):361-78, 1955

With L.V. Decourt, T.J.B. Cardoso & T. Tutiya. Isolamento e eletroforese da mucoproteína do soro humano. Rev. Hosp. Clin. 10:389-94, 1955

Isolamento e caracterização da iso-hemaglutinina. Frações proteicas do plasma humano. Métodos de estudo. O Hospital (1955)

Papers in Science

With R. Guidolin. Fluorescence and photo-inactivation of snake poisons. Science 113:300-2, 1951

With A.W. Galston & R. Guidolin. Photoinactivation of indolacetic acid. Science 114 (2969): 555, 1951

Other papers

Estudo imunoquimico de antígenos intracelulares. O Hospital 59:917-24, 1961

With O. Bier. Gel-precipitação e imuno-electroforese. Anais Microbiol. (1961)