
Mario Hector Burgos Asborno, Argentine histologist and microscopist (Buenos Aires 21 June 1921 – Mendoza 22 September 2012)

His papers were milestones in the cell biology, reproduction and endocrinology of those times

With D.W. Fawcett authored the first studies about ultrastructure of Golgi complex and its role in spermatogenesis (1955)

With G. di Paola. Eosin test for the evaluation of sperm vitality. Obst. Gynec. Surv. 7(3):445, 1952


With M.W. Fornés, M.A. Sosa & F. Bertini. Vesicles of rat epididymal fluid. Existence of two populations differing in ultrastructure and enzymatic composition. Andrologia 27(4):233-7, 1995

Gossypol inhibits motility of Arbacia sperm. Biol. Bull. 159:467-8, 1980

With L.S. Gutierrez. The intestine of Triatoma infestans. I. Cytology of the midgut. J. Ultrastruct. Res. 57:1-9, 1976

With J.C. Cavicchia. Phagocytic activity in the epithelium of the rete testis (1975)

With E.S. Tovar. Sperm motility inthe rat epididymis. Fert. Ster. 25:985-91, 1974

With J.A. Blaquier & M.S. Cameo. The role of androgens in the maturation of epididymal spermatozoa in the guinea pig. Endocrinol. 90:839-42, 1972

With M.S. Cameo & J.A. Blaquier. The androgen dependency of the process of sperm maturation in the guinea pig. Acta Physiol. Lat Am. 21:254-5, 1971

With C.E. Roig de Vargas Linares. Cell junctions in the human vaginal epithelium. Amer. J. Obst. Gynec. 108:565, 1970

With R. Vitale Calpe. The mechanism of spermiation in the hamster. I. Ultrastructure of spontaneous spermiation. J. Ultrastruct. Res. 31:381-93, 1970

With R. Vitali-Calpe. The mechanism of spermiation in the toad. Amer J. Anat. 120; 27-52, 1967

With E.M. Rodríguez. Specialized zones in the trophoblast of the human term placenta. Am. J. Obst. Gynecol. 96:342, 1966

With C.E. Roig de Vargas Linares. Contribution to the study of leucocyte migrations. Quart. J. Exp. Physiol. Cogn. Med. Sci. 49:129-33, 1964

With A. Aoki & F. Sacerdote. Ultrastructure of isolated kidney mitochondria treated with phloridzin and ATP. J. Cell. Biol. 23:207-15, 1964

Uptake of colloidal particles by cells of the caput epidiymides. Ant. Rec. 148:517-25, 1964

With D.W. Fawcett. Studies of the fine structure of the mammalian testis. II. The human interstitial tissue. Am. J. Anat. 107:245-69, 1960

The role of amorphous celular coating in active transport. Anat. Rec. 137:171, 1960

Histochemistry and electron microscopy of the three cell types in the adrenal gland of the frog. Anat. Rec. 133:163-85, 1959

Contribución al estudio de la membrana basal de los tubulos seminiferos humanos. Rev. Soc. Argent. Biol. 35:309-14, 1959

With G.B. Wislocki. The cyclical changes in the mucosa of the quinea pig’s uterus, cervix and vagina and in the sexual skin, investigated by the electron microscope. Endocrinol. 63:106-21, 1958

Fine structure of the efferent ducts of the hamster testis. Anat. Rec. 127:401, 1957

With A.J. Ladman. The effect of purified gonadotrophins on the morphology of the testis and the thumb pads of the normal and hypophysectomized autumn-frog (Rana pipiens). Endocrinol. 61:20-34, 1957

With D.W. Fawcett. The fine structure of Sertoli lines in the human testis. Anat. Res. 124:401-2, 1956

With D.W. Fawcett. An electron microscope studybof spermatid differentiation in the toad, Bufo arenarum Hensel. J. Biophys. Biochem. Cytol. 2:223-40, 1956

With D.W. Fawcett. Studies on the fine structure of the mammalian testis. Differentiation of the spermatids in the cat (Felis domestica). Biophys. Biochem. Cytol. 1:287-300, 1956

With H.W. Deane & M. Karnovsky. Histochemical and chemical evidence for more than one alkaline phosphomonoesterase. J. Histochem. Cytochem. 3 (1955)

Histochemistry of the testis in normal and experimentally treated frogs (Rana pipiens). J. Morphol. 96:283-99, 1955

With B.A. Houssay & J.C. Penhos. Modificaciones de la espermiación producidas por gonadotrofinas em el sapo. Rev. Soc. Argent. Biol. 29:108, 1953

With M.A. Rufino. Action des gonadotrophines chorioniques et sériques sur le testicule du crapaud. C.R. Soc. Biol. 147:900-3, 1953

With M.A. Rufino. Acción del la gonadotrofinas sérica y corionica sobre el testiculo del sapo (1952)

Acción dela gonadotrophina hipofisaria sobre la linea germinal y el tejido intersticial del testiculo de sapo (1951)

Modifications histologiques du testicle du crapaud apres hypophysectomie. C.R. Soc. Biol.Paris 144:420, 1950

Regulación hormonal de los caracteres sexuales secundarios en el sapo macho. Rev. Soc. Arg. Biol. 26:359-71, 1950

Estudio histologico del testiculo del sapo hipofisoprivo. Rev. Soc. Argent. Biol. 25:206-14, 1949

With R.E. Mancini. Mucopolisacaridos en la espermatogenesis del testículo de sapo. Rev. Soc. Argent. Biol. 24(3): 318-27, 1948

With R.E. Mancini. Expulsión de espermatozoides por acción de las gonadotrofinas en el testiculo de sapo in vitro. Rev. Soc. Argent. Biol. 23:165-75, 1947

With E. De Robertis & E. Breyter. Acción de la hipofisis sobre la celula de Sertoli y el proceso de expulsión de los espermatozoides en los anfibios. Rev. Soc. Argent. Biol. 21:369-82, 1945