
Mario Novello, Brazilian cosmologist (Rio de Janeiro 24 August 1942 –

From Italian ancestry

Authored 189 papers and 17 books

Showed that gravitation is a result of self-interaction of gamma fields in J. Math. Physics 12:1039, 1971

Explained the origin of neutrinos masses in Lettere al Nuovo Cimento 1:252, 1971

Suggested that weak forces changes in account to Universe evolution state (1972)

Showed that weak and electromagnetic forces are consequences of self-interaction of gamma fields in Lettere al Nuovo Cimento 13:74, 1973

With the physicist José Martins Salim found non-singular rays for our Universe in Physical Review D20:377, 1979

With the physicist J. M. Salim and independently of  V. Melnikov & S.V. Orlov constructed the first analytical bounce cosmological model  (1979)

With Hans Heitzmann proposed Dynamical Eternal Universe Scenario (DEUS) in 1984

With I.A. Bediaga e Hickman, M. Gasperini & E. Predazzi presented a geometric description of hadronization in a curved spacetime in Modern Physics Letters A4:169, 1988

With N. Deruelle, I. Costa & N.F. Svaiter presented a soluble example of quantum fields in cosmological spacetimes in Class. Quantum Gravity 6:1893, 1989

With N.F. Svaiter & M.E. Guimarães established the required conditions for material bodies may propagate on time type closed curves in Modern Physics Letters A7:5, 1992

With V.A. De Lorenci, J.M. Salim & R.B. Klippert showed than non-linear processes in standard electromagnetism may lead to electromagnetic black hole in Physical Review D64:45001, 2000

With V.D. Ivashchuk, S.A. Kononogov & V. Melnikov found non-singular solutions in a multidimensional cosmology with a perfect fluid in Gravity and Cosmol. 12:273, 2006

Presented a construction of Diracian linear fermions in terms of Heisenbergian nonlinear spinors in Europhysics Letters 80:4100, 2007

Eponym of  Novello-Heitzmann viscous universe 


Doctor Honoris Causa, Université de Lyon (2004)

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