Meghnad Saha, Indian physicist (Seoratali, Dhaka, Bengal 06 October 1893 – New Delhi 16 February 1956)
On a new theorem in elasticity. J.Asiatic Soc. Bengal (NS) 14:421, 1918.
Developed Saha-Bose equation of state for a nonideal gas (1918)
First to recognize the theory of thermal ionization for interpretation of stellar spectra
Derived Saha thermal ionization equation used to investigate stellar spectra
Ionization of Solar Chromosphere. Phil. Mag. 40:472, 1920.
With R.C. Majumder. On new methods in statistical mechanics. Phil. Mag. 9:584, 1930
Enunciated Saha phenomenon and derivated Dirac-Saha equation from Dirac’s quantization condition for magnetic monopoles
The origin of mass in neutrons and protons. Ind. J. Phys. 10:145, 1936
With Amarnath Tandon. A new model demountable vacuum furnace. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. India 6:212, 1936.
Invented a device for measuring weight and pressure from Sun rays
First to point out the need to make astronomical observations from outside the earth’s atmosphere (1937)
Predicted the 21 cm line of atomic hydrogen from the hyperfine structure independent from Van de Hulst (1944)
Saha Moon crater
Physics Nobel Prize nominee (1930, 1937, 1939, 1940, 1951 & 1955)