Mervyn William Mansell, South African entomologist (Bedford, Eastern Cape 19 November 1944 –
Authored over 60 research papers
Psychopsidae 2017 with Bakkes & Sole
Afroptera 2019 with Abdalla
Amerocroce 1983
Annulares 2004
Carnarviana 1983
Morandida 1983
Pamares 1990
Siccanda 2019 with Abdalla
Tjederia 1977
Afroptera acuta 2019 with Abdalla
Afroptera albi 2019 with Abdalla
Afroptera balli 2019 with Abdalla
Afroptera brinkmani 2019 with Abdalla
Afroptera cylindrata 2019 with Abdalla
Afroptera folia 2019 with Abdalla
Afroptera koranna 2019 with Abdalla
Afroptera maraisi 2019 with Abdalla
Amerocroce boliviana 1983
Annulares aspoecki 2004
Annulares lanner 2004
Austrocroce occidens 1983
Cabralis pallidus 2017 with Bakkes & Sole
Cabralis zambeziensis 2017 with Bakkes & Sole
Carnarviana cretata 1983
Carnarviana janthorum 1983
Coberotha angolana 1994 with Aspock
Concroce parva 1981
Crambomorphus kalaharicus 2018
Crambomorphus namibicus 2018
Cymothales capensis 1987
Cymothales cybele 1987
Cymothales exilis 1987
Cymothales marginatus 1987
Cymothales tjederi 1987
Ganguilus indicus 2010 with Michel
Ganguilus rex 2010 with Michel
Ganguilus veniae 2010 with Michel
Laurhervasia namibica 1980
Laurhervasia transvaalensis 1980
Morandida peruviensis 1983
Mucroberotha aethiopica 1994 with Aspock
Mucroberotha angolana 1994 with Aspock
Mucroberotha minteri 1994 with Aspock
Nemopterella cedrus 2019 with Abdalla
Nemopterella kabas 2019 with Abdalla
Palparellus ulrike 1996
Pamares damarus 1990
Pamares deru 1990
Pamares nephele 1990
Pamares parvus 1990
Pamexis hantam 2016 with Ball
Pamexis karoo 1992
Pamexis namaqua 1992
Rhachiberotha ingwe 1994 with Aspock
Rhachiberotha sheilae 1994 with Aspock
Solter san 2013
Syngenes medialis 2018
Syngenes scholtzi 2018
Tjederia brevicornis 1981
Tjederia namaquensis 1977
HONORS (Neuroptera)
Mansellia Tjeder 1992
Manselliberotha Aspock & Aspock 1988