Miguel Rubino Carroccia, Uruguayan veterinarian (Durazno 12 December 1886 – Pando, Canelones 07 May 1945)
Son of Italian immigrants
Added the letter C to one distinguish from a namesake
Authored 54 works
First demonstrated that premunition was transmissible to sheep
Demonstrated that ticks of cattle can inhabit and develop in other species like sheeps and goats
Established concentration and time of acaricide baths
Developed a method for studying Trichinella spiralis larvae in conserved meat
Metodo para constatar el estado de vida o muerte de las larvas de triquinas (Trichinella spiralis Owen) enquistadas, en las carnes conservadas. Rev. Minist. Industrias 7:47, 1919
Developed a serological complement fixation reaction for diagnosis of leprosy (Rubino reaction or test) and its improvements
Una nueva reacción serologica de la lepra. Rev. Med. Vet. 9(2):28, 1926
Sero-diagnostic de la lepre par l’agglutino-sedimentation des globules de mouton formoles. Ann. Inst. Pasteur XLVII:147, 1931
Les antigenes lipoidiques d’organes dans le serodiagnostic. Nouvel antigene de séro-floculation dans le lepre. Compt. Rend. Seances Soc. Biol. Tome CXVII, 12 juillet 1934
Developed a technique to study and dosing bilirubin in urine
With N. Vojevodsky. Sobre una técnica para la investigación y dosificación de la bilirrubina en la orina. Anal. Asoc. Quim. Farm. Uruguay XLV(1):25, 1942