Miguel Fernandez, Argentine biologist (Essen, Germany 25 September 1883 – Alta Gracia, Cordoba Province 29 April 1950)
From Argentine father and German mother
Performed contributions to histology, embriology and morphogenesis
Demonstrated mesodermal origin of the vascular apparatus in Invertebrates
Zur mikroskopische Anatomie des Blutgefässystems der Tunikaten Nebst Bemerkungen zur Phylogenie des Blutefassystems in allemeinen. Jenaische Zeitscher 39 (1904)
Discovered and proved polyembryony in Mammalia
Beitrage zur Embriologie der Gürteltiere. I. Zur Keimblatt erinversion und spezifischen polyembryonie der mulita (Tatusia hybrida Desm.). Morphol. Jahrbuch 39:302-33, 1909
Fernandezina Birabén 1951 (Arachnida)
His wife, Kati Marcinowski de Fernandez, German / Argentine zoologist (Breslau 20 December 1877 – Alta Gracia, Cordoba Province 13 November 1955)
First to establish mesenchymal origin of vascular apparatus in Vertebrata
Zur Entstenhung der Gefassendothelien und des Blutes bei Amphibien. Jenaische Zeitscher 41 (1906)
Authored Parasitisch und semiparasitisch an Pflanzen lebende Nematoden (1909), the most comprehensive treatise about plant parasite nematodes of his day and where she was the first to describe in detail the morphological differences between cysts and root-knot nematodes