
Moacyr Eyck Alvaro Marques da Silva da Cunha e Fernandes, Brazilian ophthalmologist  (Santos, São Paulo State 12 August 1899 – São Paulo 19 July 1959)

Presented possibly the first case of transitory tremulous lens in literature (1937)


Developed Moacyr Alvaro technique or operation for correcting vertical and horizontal declinations in ocular muscles insertions  

Described the correction of hypertropia by vertical displacement of horizontal rectus muscles of the same eye and the first to suggest transposition of both horizontal rectus muscles for hypertropia 

Simultaneous surgical correction of vertical and horizontal deviations. Ophthalm. 120:191-7, 1950

Novo método de enucleação permitindo perfeita movimentação da prótese  (A new enucleation method that permits perfect prosthesis motion)  

Novo método de ciclopegia para a graduação de óculos. Bol. Soc. Med. Cir. São Paulo 23(2):46-51, 1939

With C. Rezende. A operação de Kuhnt-Szymanosky modificada (1932)


Apparatus for measuring the angle gamma. Trans. Amer. Acad. Ophthal. Oto-laryng. 46:141-3, 1946

Apparelho para medição do ângulo formado pelo eixo óptico com o eixo visual. Arq. Bras. Oftalm. 6:12-8, 1943

Invented double chair for physician and patient 

A necrology is available in