Fernando Rafael Monckeberg Barros, Chilean nutritional pediatrician (Santiago de Chile 26 June 1926 –
Authored over 130 papers, 60 book chapters and 12 books
Authored relevant studies about jejunal mucosa in infant malnutrition-mental
With A. Reid, O. Brunser, A. Maccioni & I. Contreras. Jejunal biopsies in infant malnutrition with special reference to mitotic index. Pediatrics 38:605-12, 1966
With A. Reid, O. Brunser, A. Maccioni & I. Contreras. Jejunal mucosa in infant malnutrition. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 21:976-83, 1968
Distinguished marasmus from kwashiorkor
With O. Brunser, G. Donoso, H. Flores, A. Maccioni, M. Perretta & A. Stekel. Marasmus y kwashiorkor. Dos entidades clinicas diferentes (1988)
Other contributions
With A. Salinas & F. Bias. Immunological detection of growth hormone in normal human urine. Lancet 2:302, 1963
With E. Yañez, D. Ballester, N. Merchack, S. Jarpa, J. Martner, M. Alvarez, J. Alvear & I. Contreras et al. Development of a food formulation (Fortsean) for pre-school children. Arch. Latinoam. Nutr. 26(4): 426-47, 1976
With D. Ballester, R. Rodrigo, J. Nakouzi, C.O. Chichester & E. Yañez. Rapeseed meal. III. A simple method for detoxification. J. Scien. Food Agric. 21(3):143-4, 1970
Process for the extraction of toxic substances from a presscake of Brassica napus USPTO 3,615,648 (1968)
Developed Monckeberg serum for rapid treatment of dehydration (World Health Organization adopted it with some modifications)
Pediatrician of Year in the World, American Academy of Pediatrics (1985)
Award, World Foundation for Health and Peace (1985)
Award, International Union of Nutritional Science (1993)
His uncle, Carlos Monckeberg Bravo, Chilean obstetrician (Santiago 22 October 1885 – Santiago 06 July 1954)
His scientific works gained international repercussion
Demonstrated that Koch bacillus can be transmitted via placental circulation
With J.M. Vergara Keller. Contribución al estudio de la herencia tuberculosa (1924)
First to describe nephropathy in pregnancy as an independent entity
Nefropatias de la gestación (1927)
His book problemas de clinica obstetrica was prefaced by famous French obstetrician Paul Bar