
Nahum Joel S., Chilean crystallographer (07 August 1924 – Santiago 07 August 2010)

With C. Martinoya created the chromatic abstractoscope or abstract painting robot (1960; published in 1968)

With W.A. Wooster. On six new relations between the elastic constants of crystals. Acta Cryst. 14:571, 1961

With I.D. Muir. New techniques for the universal stage. I. An extinction curve method for the determination of the optical indicatrix. Min. Mag. 31:860, 1958

With R. Vera & I. Garaycochea. A method for the estimation of transmission factors in crystals of uniform cross section. Actra Cryst. 6:465, 1953

A method to determine the optical indicatrix of small crystals. Min. Mag. 29:206, 1950

A stereographic construction for determining the optical axes of a biaxial crystal directly from a few extinction measurements

Papers in Nature

With W.A. Wooster. Number of elastic constants required in crystal elasticity. Nature 182:1078, 1958

With W.A. Wooster. Theories of crystal elasticity. Nature 180 (4583):430-1, 1957


ICPE Medal (1992)