Orlando Eugenio Villamayor, Argentine mathematician (Buenos Aires 22 June 1923 – Paris, France 22 February 1998)
Formulated algebraic theory of quadratic forms and Clifford algebras for projective modules of finite type (with Artibano Micali)
Introduced the concept of V-rings
With K.R. Mount introduced the concept of Jacobian extension of ideals (1974)
Authored Nuevo planteo de la ecuación dinâmica de los gases (1949)
Karoubi-Villamayor K algebraic functors
Karoubi-Villamayor K groups
Hattori-Villamayor-Zelinsky sequences
Villamayor algebras
Villamayor theorem (1954)
Villamayor lemma
Villamayor-Zelinsky map