Orville Adelbert Derby, US-born Brazilian geoscientist and geographer (Kelloggsville, Cayuga County, New York State 23 July 1851 – Rio de Janeiro 27 November 1915)
Authored 173 scientific works dealing about geology, mineralogy, palaeontology and archaeology
Gained international recognition for his studies on nepheline rocks associated to phonolite and foyaite and his petrographical researches
Laid the basis of genetical association between a group of filonian and eruptive rocks
Proposed the notion of consanguinity of eruptive rocks (1885)
Identified that nepheline rocks were from the same magma with distinct cooling velocities
Queluzite (protore) 1908
Caldasite (1919)
Jacupiranguite (1891)
Marahuite (1907)
Developed a new method for determination of monazite
Imagined a process for detaching fossils from limestone matrix employing hydrochloric acid solution
Wollaston Medal (1892)
Derbyia Waagen 1884 (Fossil Brachiopoda)
Derbyella Grabau 1931 (Fossil Brachiopoda)
Derbyina Clarke 1931 (Fossil Brachiopoda)
Derbyaeconcha Likharev 1934 (Fossil Brachiopoda)
Derbyoides Dunbar & Condra 1932 (Fossil Brachiopoda)
Orvillia White 1887 (Fossil Mollusca)
Derbyella White 1906 (Fossil Plantae)
Derbylite Moore & Araki 1976 (mineral)
Orvillite Lee 1919 (a zircon variety)